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Practice bank

Find and share practice with organisations who are interested in crime reduction and criminal justice.

The practice bank is made up of shared interventions that have been implemented by crime reduction and community safety organisations, including policing. These have been used to address specific crime problems or organisational change. 

You can use the practice bank to identify potential interventions for your own problem solving. Search for practices using the filters.

You can also share your own interventions to be considered for the practice bank.

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Displaying 1 - 35 of 35
Title Summary Does it work? Focus Organisation

Framework for bringing serious and organised crime group threats into neighbourhood policing.

Promising Prevention, Diversion

An online self-assessment tool for licensed premises, focusing on legal requirements and good practice to reduce impact at the venue and public spaces.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention
Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI)

Implementing monthly multi-agency meetings with local secondary schools to reduce anti-social behaviour among students and improve attendance. 

Promising Prevention, Diversion

Lesson resources for schools, to teach children and young people about the law, policing and safeguarding.

Promising Prevention

Delivering an early intervention and prevention programme to primary school children, identified by their teachers as having adverse childhood experiences.

Promising Prevention

Reducing street lighting to reduce anti-social behaviour in a residential area.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

Using a PowerApp solution and a Power BI dashboard to record and evaluate community engagement. 

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

Collaborating with Community Speedwatch UK, to provide support for schemes aimed at improving road safety.

Promising Prevention

Dedicated role to support victims and applicants with anti-social behaviour case reviews (community triggers), manage anti-social behaviour cases and share best practice among partners.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

Incident Management team has been created to improve compliance with National Crime Recording Standards by reviewing incidents to ensure all crimes are recorded in accordance with Home Office Counting Rules.

Promising Prevention

Improving community engagement through advice, training, support and coordination for police and partners.

Promising Diversion, Prevention

Working with local council partners to provide a more strategic approach for delivering a safer night-time economy (NTE). 

Promising Prevention

Using a prevention activity to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB) and violence by youths at or associated with Peterborough United football fixtures.

Promising Prevention

A scenario-based activity to provide children, young people and vulnerable adults with the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions in everyday situations.

Promising Prevention

A collaboration role between the Police, Fire and Health services, focusing on prevention, early intervention and reducing vulnerability. 

Promising Prevention

Using street outreach youth workers to conduct hot spot policing in areas of violent crime.

Promising Diversion, Prevention

Communicating key messages to different age demographics with the aim to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB).

Promising Prevention, Diversion

Introducing a a week of work experience for at-risk groups of school students, to cultivate positive perceptions towards the police. 

Promising Diversion, Organisational

Jointly delivered NHS and police presentation to increase confidence in the police and encourage reporting of hate crime.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

An exhibition by artists suffering substance addiction to increase engagement and referrals to drug recovery services within the hostel community.

Promising Diversion

Using cooking to engage and motivate young people and young adults to deter them from committing serious violent crimes.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention, Diversion, Reoffending

Combining data and feedback to target police activity and improve relationships with local communities.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

A single point of contact for non-urgent digital advice for police officers and staff, which seeks to resolve all digital investigative enquiries through a network of subject matter expects.

Promising Organisational

A collaboration between West Midlands schools officers and a performing arts course at a sixth form college, resulting in an educational live performance addressing the dangers of criminality.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

Using a platform to capture and analyse large volumes of customer feedback, gathered through conversational SMS and a bespoke website.

Untested – new or innovative Organisational

Creating a space to engage and problem solve with stakeholders and community representatives.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention, Organisational

Problem-solving hubs embracing joint working with partner agencies to resolve incidents of repeat crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour.

Promising Prevention, Diversion

Encouraging pride and neighbourliness within communities.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

Using a problem-solving approach to work with partnership agencies to address embedded criminality.

Promising Prevention

Using a community engagement initiative to encourage engagement and empowerment within communities. 

Promising Prevention, Diversion, Reoffending

An intensive community order that replaces a burglary defendant’s custodial sentence.

Untested – new or innovative Reoffending

An initiative to encourage garages and tyre retailers to sign up to a scheme using SmartWater (smart tagging) to mark and trace tyres found in fly-tips.

Promising Prevention

A joint approach that focuses resources into a designated location to reduce business-related crime.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention, Diversion

Improving safety of speeding personal watercraft (PWC) along the Essex coastline, known as Operation Wave Breaker.

Promising Prevention

Supporting officers to recognise sexualised predatory behaviours early and empowering them to engage with offenders to prevent escalation.

Untested – new or innovative Prevention

About linked practices

Some practice examples are linked to other sources. You can use the 'Linked to' filter to identify these groups of practice.

You can find practice:

  • identified in inspection reports published by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service (HMICFRS)
  • identified as Smarter practice that has been tried in a force and reviewed by the College of Policing, HMICFRS and the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC), and is considered suitable for further testing
  • which has won a Tilley award for problem oriented projects that achieved measurable success in resolving issues faced by the police, partners and the community
  • which received funding for local innovation across science, technology, analysis, and research (Police STAR Fund)

Sharing your practice

You can share your intervention with other organisations to help them tackle similar problems.

Anyone from organisations with an interest in community safety and reducing crime can share implemented practice including:

  • promising practice
  • new or innovative practice (untested)
  • examples of interventions that didn’t work

Your intervention does not have to be evaluated but should include some learning that can be shared.

We may ask for some more information about your practice example before we publish it. If you share practice, we will contact you 12 months after adding it to the bank to ask for updates.

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