184 pages tagged with Crime reduction
Police-led diversion
Police-led diversion for drug crimes.
Crime reduction initiatives
Ways to reduce instances of residential burglary.
How offenders work (modus operandi)
Common methods of procedure for residential burglaries and ways to address them.
Introduction to implementation of problem-oriented policing
What the guidelines do, and who they are for.
Serious violence hot spots policing guide - Guidance overview
Seven-step guide for reducing serious violence using hot spots policing.
Homicide problem-solving guide - Guidance overview
A problem-solving approach to homicide prevention.
Drug crimes evidence briefing - Guidance overview
Evidence briefing on strategies and interventions to reduce drug offences.
References – a problem-solving approach to homicide
A list of all the sources of information in this guidance.
Focused deterrence
Focused deterrence for drug crimes.
Prevention and early intervention
Prevention and early intervention in drug crimes.
Key findings
Key findings from the drug crimes evidence briefing.
A list of all the sources of information in this evidence briefing.
Police-led interventions
Police-led interventions for drug crimes.
Proactive street-level policing
Proactive street-level policing in drug crimes.
Testing – step seven
Measuring the amount of serious violence prevented.
Thinking – step one
How to develop a tailored project plan for hot spots policing and consider barriers to success.
Tasking – step five
Ensuring availability of resources for hot spots policing and deciding on activities.
Targeting – step three
Targeting hot spots for maximum benefits.
Tracking – step six
Ensuring hot spots policing duties are being performed.
Training – step four
Training officers in effective hot spots policing.
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