Overview of the latest changes to APP.
APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from contactus@college.police.uk
More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email contactcentre@college.police.uk. All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.
Latest changes to APP
Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Detention and custody | Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT) and National Security Act 2023 | Significant changes made to the wording throughout the entirety of the section. There has been inclusion and removal of sections to reflect the National Security Act 2023. |
Major investigation and public protection | Stalking or harassment | Changes were made to the advice documents:
These changes were the removal of a line about distinguishing harassment from stalking by considering if there is a dispute at the centre of it. Also a change to the wording within the investigators' advice, to state risk assessment and first response, to refer to risk identification. |
Detention and custody | Control, restraint and searches | Control, restraints and searches > Principles of using force in custody.
Control, restraints and searches > The prone position and positional asphyxia
Detention and custody > Detainee care | Children and young persons | Appropriate adult section: Deleted: 'The YJB and National Appropriate Adult Network have also published joint guidance and advice on appropriate adult services'.' Replaced with: 'Also see the Youth Justice Board’s (YJB) National Standards for Youth Justice Services. For further information about standards and training for all schemes see the National Appropriate Adult Network.' External links have also been included |
Public and personal safety training | Instructors and trainers | Updated links for PPST guidance on page to updated guidance on College Learn as per email request from Jess Turner |
Public and personal safety training | Senior leaders | Updated link to PPST Guidance on college learn as link guide had been updated. |
Policing elections | Key roles and planning | Under the section titled Candidates and Campaigners section, the following paragraph was added in 'Forces should also note that s30 Elections Act 2022 introduces ‘disqualification orders’. These may apply against any individual who is convicted of an intimidatory criminal offence motivated by hostility towards a candidate, future candidate or campaigner or holder of a relevant elective office (note: schedule 9 of the Elections Act 2022 presents specific relevant offences). A disqualification order is imposed by the courts and prevents the convicted individual from standing for election, being elected to, or holding a relevant elective office for a period of five years. Investigators should, therefore, consider motivation when investigating any offences listed in schedule 9 against candidates and campaigners'. Also in the first paragraph under Candidates and Campaigners, the third sentence was replaced with 'Products, including Welsh language versions, are also available from the electoral Commission', and the fourth sentence was deleted. |
Prosecution and case management | Charging and case preparation | Under the sub-heading 'Threshold Test' - deleted last sentence in the second to last paragraph. 'The charging decision should be recorded on the MG3/3A forms. Also deleted the bullet 'the Complete list of MG forms' underneath the heading 'Preparing a file of evidence.' The MG forms have been replaced by CPS guidance (DG6/NFS). |
Detention and custody > Detainee care | Detainee care | Part of welfare of the detainee, underneath the subheading Choking - a link out to FFLM endorsed guidance fixed. It was taking people to an archived version. The link was deleted, title changed to reflect wording on the new document and correct link added. |
Detention and custody | Custody management and planning | Under the 'Legal framework' heading, a link to the the NPCC (2022) document 'National Strategy for Police Custody' has been added to the bullet point list. Under the 'Healthcare professionals' heading, the link to the 2003 Home Office Circular was out of date. This has been deleted and replaced with a link to FFLM's (2024) document 'The Role of the Healthcare Professional'. The citation was changed to reflect this also. |