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Latest changes to APP

Overview of the latest changes to APP.

APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from

More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.

Latest changes to APP

Date Category Guidance Changes
Detention and custody Deaths in custody

Updated link

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated links and guidance 

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Context and dynamics of domestic abuse

Domestic Homicide Report sub-section of this module was amended following product author recommendations. These were minor amendments to punctuation, syntax and the way the animation was referred to. 

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Identification, reporting and associated investigations

Vulnerable adult abuse investigation; Stalking or harassment; Sexual offences - subsections have been amended after product author checks on the changes made after the super-complaint. These changes are very minor to grammar, syntax (in some cases, eg, separating long sentences).

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Leadership, strategic oversight and management

Specific management considerations when dealing with police perpetrators of domestic abuse; Inter-force arrangements; Reviews of the investigation; Providing support to victims has had minor amendments to capitalisation and other grammatical/syntactical choices. These were carried out after product author checks were received on new/significantly amended sections of DA APP subsequent to a super-complaint. 

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Understanding risk and vulnerability in the context of domestic abuse

Children as victims of domestic abuse - This section has been updated following receipt of product author checks. These amendments are limited to very minor punctuation or syntactical changes, removing capitals when unnecessary and updating a report date.

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Victim safety and support

Contact from prisoners and Sanctuary schemes sub-sections were amended following receipt of product author checks. These sections were recently amended (contact was new) from a DA super-complaint and PA checks were applied subsequently. The changes in both sections are very minimal, such as punctuation.

Policing elections Investigating electoral malpractice

Investigating electoral malpractice> Undue influence > Link to s114a RPA 1983 is broken and has been replaced with the following link -

Major investigation and public protection > Missing persons Missing persons risk assessment

The following question has been added to the Initial questions for the person who has submitted the missing report question set: 

Has any contact from the missing person’s phone and/or social media led you to believe that the handset and/or social media accounts are in the possession of someone else?” If ‘yes,’ please explain why.

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Arrest and other positive approaches

Multiple links updated throughout 'arrest' section. 


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