APP is the official source of professional practice for policing. APP guidance topic categories Armed policing Legislation, weapons and equipment, command and deployment APP Civil emergencies Civil contingencies and disaster victim identification APP Covert policing Guidance on covert-related activity including undercover APP Critical incident management Managing critical incidents and restoring public confidence APP Detention and custody Arrest and detention, use of force, detainee care, including children and young persons, risk assessment and buildings and facilities APP Engagement and communication Guidance on engaging with the community, communication platforms and relations with the media APP Extraction of material from digital devices Guidance and briefing on extracting material from digital devices APP Firearms licensing Strategic issues, responsibilities and licensing processes APP Information management MoPI, data protection, information assurance, freedom of information APP Intelligence management Process, tasking and coordination, intelligence products and analysis APP Investigation The process, interviewing, strategies and International investigations APP Live facial recognition Overt deployment of live facial recognition (LFR) technology to locate persons on a watchlist APP Major investigation and public protection Responding to public protection and major investigation issues, for example, child abuse, knife crime and sexual offences APP Mental health Responding to incidents involving people experiencing mental illness and learning disabilities. Mental health law, mental capacity, recognising vulnerability, AWOL patients, safe and well checks APP Mobilisation Principles, landscape, planning, preparing and responding APP National decision model The model and recording and reviewing decision making APP Operations Command and control structures, interoperability, planning and review APP Policing elections Policing elections, preventing and investigating electoral malpractice APP Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Guidance on investigation and welfare procedures for death or serious injury following police contact APP Professional standards Vetting, complaints and misconduct and counter-corruption APP Prosecution and case management Charging and case preparation, trial, justice, offender management and victim and witness care APP Public and personal safety training Information for police staff delivering public and personal safety training (PPST) APP Public order public safety Legislation, command, planning and deployment, tactical options, football APP Risk Ten principles related to taking and reviewing risk APP Roads policing Managing incidents, pursuits and investigating road deaths APP Stop and search Definition of a fair and effective stop and search encounter, how and why stop and search encounters should be fair, legal, professional and transparent APP Using APP Information about APP, where it applies and the legal status. Go to information about APP Changes to APP See the latest changes to APP. Go to latest changes