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Latest changes to APP

Overview of the latest changes to APP.

APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from

More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.

Latest changes to APP

Date Category Guidance Changes
Armed policing Post-deployment

Changes made to the following subsections:

  • Post-incident procedures – media management bullet amended.
  • Protecting the identity of officers and staff – deletion of a paragraph, two added, one amended.
  • Progress of the investigation – penultimate paragraph amended, inclusion of quote.
  • Special leave or suspension – last paragraph amended adding a sentence and changing KPW to officers/staff.
  • Media releases – 'via the PIM' added and PIM changed for chief officer (or delegated senior officer) in the same penultimate paragraph.
  • Chief officer (or delegated senior officer) – added a bullet point next to last.
Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Have made changes to the content that mirrors the APP on Armed policing – Post-deployment section. Changes made to the following subsections:

  • Post-incident procedures – media management bullet amended.
  • Protecting the identity of officers and staff – deletion of a paragraph, two added, one amended.
  • Equipment and exhibits – added paragraph at the end of this section.
  • Progress of the investigation – penultimate paragraph amended, inclusion of quote.
  • Special leave or suspension – last paragraph amended adding a sentence and changing KPW to officers/staff.
  • Media releases – 'via the PIM' added and PIM changed for chief officer (or delegated senior officer) in the same penultimate paragraph.
  • Chief officer (or delegated senior officer) – added a bullet point next to last.
  • Reference material – added 'recording of communications' bullet.
Roads policing Police pursuits

22/03/2024 - the following amendments have been made:

Vehicles used for pursuits section

  • 'marked' and 'and marked personnel carriers' added to second to last paragraph
  • 'high performance' replaced with 'advanced PV' in last paragraph

Prohibited vehicles section

  • 'Vehicles which can transport a large number of personnel, for example personnel carriers' bullet point removed
Detention and custody > Detainee care Children and young persons

Beneath section 'Factors which increase risks to the safety and wellbeing of children and young persons': Reference to decommissioned 'NPIA (2009) Guidance on Investigating Child Abuse and Safeguarding Children' removed and replaced with link to APP on Child abuse.

Public order public safety Additional reference and historical documents

Fixed broken link to news article 'Changes to legislation for policing protests'.

Investigation Acid and corrosive substances

Broken link to 'victim care advice' updated.

Major investigation and public protection > Homicide Homicide - Guidance overview

Updated link to NPCC (2023) National Threats to Life Guidelines

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated link to Home Office (2007) Safety of solicitors and probationary representatives at police stations.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated link to the Management of DNR/DNAR/DNACPR decisions in police custody.

Investigation Acid and corrosive substances

Updated 'Remove, Remove, Remove Campaign resources' link – which previously directed to the Protect UK home page, now directs to the REMOVE. REMOVE. REMOVE: Guidance on hazardous substance exposure on Protect UK.

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