Overview of the latest changes to APP.
APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from contactus@college.police.uk
More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email contactcentre@college.police.uk. All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.
Latest changes to APP
Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Detention and custody | Detention and custody risk assessment | Under the sub-heading 'Procedures needed to manage potential risk' within content on infectious diseases, a link to FFLM Managing blood-borne virus exposures in custody was replaced (2018) with an updated version (2022). This will need updating in 2025 when the revised guidance will be published. |
Detention and custody | Deaths in custody | The APCC have published new guidance aimed at preventing deaths in custody (June 2024). This was put together in association with Anton Menzies. Upon his request, this link was placed at the top of the Deaths in custody section. |
Policing elections | Key roles and planning | Under the section heading Impartiality, the NPCC (2019) document link for Pre-election guidance in the last paragraph has been replaced with 2024 version. Also, changed the title of the document to match the document itself (previously summarised) - Guidance for Interaction with Candidates and Conduct during Pre-election Period. |
Detention and custody | Control, restraint and searches | Under the heading 'Conduct of searches', the sentence below in bold/italics was deleted at the request of custody SPM. This has caused confusion for officers/trainers as the information relates to strip searches and not those at the custody desk. Officers and staff should carry out searches with respect and dignity. They should do so in an area where the detainee can neither be seen by anyone who does not need to be present nor by a member of the opposite sex. |
Detention and custody > Detainee care | Detainee individual needs | Updated contents of the page |
Detention and custody > Detainee care | Detainee individual needs | Changed title of page from equality and individual needs to detainee individual needs at request from Sharon Reid |
Investigation | Investigation process | 28/05/2024 - Updated link to 'Categories of unexpected death investigations' in 'first investigative steps' sub-section. |
Detention and custody > Detainee care | Detainee care | 23/05/2024 - added the wording in bold to the section called 'Level 4 close proximity' Every officer or member of custody staff required to monitor detainees under constant observation (Level 3) or conduct close proximity supervision (Level 4) must be fully briefed by the custody officer with regards their role, the needs of the detainee and the risks presented by the detained person. |
Roads policing | Police driving | 23/05/2024 - changed response value of motorcycles from '2.2 PV and above' to '1.5 PV and above' advanced values of motorcycles from 'below 2.2 PV' to 'below 1.5 PV' |
Roads policing | Police pursuits | 23/05/2024 - the following reference and link was added to the final sentence in section 'Fatal collisions resulting from pursuit activity': Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury APP |