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Latest changes to APP

Overview of the latest changes to APP.

APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from

More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.

Latest changes to APP

Date Category Guidance Changes
Civil emergencies Civil emergencies reference material

Updated broken link to Code of Ethics

Detention and custody Custody management and planning

Added a link to the Code of Ethics

Armed policing Armed deployment

Added link to Code of Ethics under 'Consider powers and policy'.

Armed policing Post-deployment


First sentence: "Police should be guided by the Code of Ethics and standards of professional behaviour" has been changed to "The police service should be guided by the Ethical policing principles and the Guidance for ethical and professional behaviour in policing."

Added a link to the Code of Ethics page.


First paragraph refers to Code of Ethics (2014) and code of practice citing principles and standards - deleted these. 2nd paragraph refers to The Code of Ethics and has an old link.

Added new wording to reference 2023 Code of Ethics. Removed reference to the Police Staff Council Handbook as this reference has been removed completely from the Code of Ethics.

Updated links to Code of Ethics and the Code of Practice. 

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse First response national decision model (NDM) tool

Code of Ethics section changed to -

Code of Practice for Ethical Policing 

The Code of Practice for Ethical Policing states that there is a requirement to ensure that staff understand the requirements of, and are supported to implement, the Victims’ Code. This includes consideration of their welfare needs and referral to support services.

National decision model Linked reference material


Linked reference material - the following documents have been removed: 

- Police (conduct) regulations 2012

- Police staff council joint circular no.54. 

- Committee on standards in public life (1995) The 7 principles of public life

- College of Policing (2014) Code of Ethics. 

Following documents have been added: 

-  Code of Ethics. (2023). Ethical policing principles and Guidance for ethical and professional behaviour. 

- College of Policing. (2023). Code of Practice for Ethical Policing.

JESIP document remained. 



National decision model National decision model

11/10/2023 - pm 

The following amendments were made in the highlighted sections: 

Six key elements (CIAPOAR)

- link broken and re-set for ethical policing principles and behaviour guidance 

Guidance for ethical and professional behaviour in policing

-  link broken and re-set for behaviour guidance

Options - identify options and contingencies 

- first sentence > wording amended in brackets to 'or situation resolved'


Major investigation and public protection Sex work and prostitution

Added the following text: 'This Guidance is the subject of review by way of a consultation process, the approximate timetable of which will be to commence the process by 1 April 2024 and to finalise the process and issue any revised Guidance by 1 August 2025.'

Mental health Sources of help for those in need of mental and emotional support

Updated four broken links to the following charity websites:

  • AgeUK
  • Papyrus
  • Healthtalk
  • Childhood Bereavement Network
Roads policing Police pursuits

Tactical options - '(updated November 2023)' added after 'tactics directory'. 

Pursuit management > Situational engagement of suspects > Quad bikes and motorcycles> 2nd and 5th paragraph - '(updated November 2023) added after 'tactics directory'. 

Communications > 2nd paragraph - '(updated November 2023) added after 'tactics directory'. 

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