Overview of the latest changes to APP.
APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from contactus@college.police.uk
More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email contactcentre@college.police.uk. All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.
Latest changes to APP
Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Operations | Briefing and debriefing | Fixed a typo and broken link to CIAPOAR |
Major investigation and public protection > Missing persons | Strategic responsibilities | Minor wording change. Welsh forces via the NPCC Lead on Missing Persons raised the need to change a statement about convening a multi-agency strategy meeting for a missing child. Current: Where appropriate, a multi-agency meeting is convened after a child has been missing from home or care for more than seven days, or has been missing on more than three occasions in a 12-month period (this criteria does not apply in England). Amended: - Where appropriate, a multi-agency strategy meeting is convened to consider the evidence for any additional safeguarding issues. |
Policing elections | Core principles and legislation | 12.4.24 - Legal framework section The reference and link to ‘joint guidance for candidates in elections’ changed to ‘Responding to intimidating behaviour in elections and public office: a CPS guide |
Policing elections | Investigating electoral malpractice | 12.4.24 - new section called 'Postal vote handling and secrecy' added after 'Evidence gathering (false application to vote by post or by proxy)' section |
Policing elections | Key roles and planning | 12.4.24 - the opening sentence in the candidates and campaigners - harassment, intimidation and threatening behaviour section has been amended: Products for candidates and campaigners |
Policing elections | Policing elections reference material | 12.4.24 - the following references have been amended:
Major investigation and public protection | Major investigation and public protection - Guidance overview | Removed 'Firearms licensing' from list of 'Thematic areas', as this now sits in its own area of APP (/app/firearms-licensing). |
Critical incident management | Phase 1 – preparing for critical incidents | Removed links and references to:
"The College of Policing delivers a programme of critical incident training courses" text now links instead to our courses page (/career-learning/courses). |
Firearms licensing | Firearms licensing - Guidance overview | Content moved from 'Major investigation and public protection' to its own area of APP. |
Firearms licensing | Processes | Content moved from 'Major investigation and public protection' to its own area of APP. 'Processes' now in a section of its own beneath 'Firearms licensing'. |