Overview of the latest changes to APP.
APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from contactus@college.police.uk
More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email contactcentre@college.police.uk. All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.
Latest changes to APP
Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Major investigation and public protection | Rape and sexual offences | Link to Annex A updated. |
Operations | Operations - Guidance overview | Added line 'Information on good practice in the response to major incidents can be found in the APP on civil contingencies.' to the top of the overview page |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Business continuity | Removed section titled 'sustainability' because NPCC guidance has now been published with the link to APP. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Definitions | Under the heading: 'Declaring a mass fatality incident' the information has changed slightly and now includes: National planning for a mass fatality response is coordinated centrally by the Fire Resilience and Major Events (FRaME)
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Disaster victim identification - Guidance overview | New sections added: Home Office Professional development |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Health, safety, wellbeing and welfare | Title of the page has change from 'Health, safety and welfare' to 'Health, safety, wellbeing and welfare' |
Prosecution and case management | Possible justice outcomes following investigation | Paragraph ‘Arrange to have an appropriate adult present. If the offender is aged 16 years or under, or is 17 years of age and deemed vulnerable and there is any doubt about their capacity or ability to understand the nature or implications of the process, all the points above should take place in the presence of an appropriate adult. The appropriate adult must also be given copies of any written information given to the young person' replaced with ‘Arrange to have an appropriate adult present. If the offender is aged 17 years or under this should take place in the presence of an appropriate adult. The appropriate adult must also be given copies of any written information given to the young person.’ (two occasions) |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Business continuity | Additional line added to paragraph just before bullet points: 'The National Police Chiefs' Council has produced new business continuity management guidance.' Removed second bullet point: 'Business continuity management guidance (users are required to log in)' |
Major investigation and public protection > Homicide | Homicide - Guidance overview | College of Policing (2019) Practice advice: The medical investigation of suspected homicide has been updated to: Home Office (2024) Practice advice: The medical investigation of suspected homicide |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Business continuity | Under 'further information' added a link to Business continuity guidance on College Learn. |