This page is from APP, the official source of professional practice for policing.
First published
Written by College of Policing
Professional standards
400 mins read
The College of Policing has worked with the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC), Home Office and other key stakeholders to revise authorised professional practice (APP).
The APP is designed to support the Vetting Code of Practice (2023).
The supporting materials, linked to from the appendices in the APP, provide comprehensive detail to support forces deliver an efficient and effective vetting process.
Supporting materials
- Annual integrity and vetting review (Appendix B)
- PND flagstone intelligence marker text template for adverse recruitment information (Appendix C)
- Supervisor appraisal (Appendix D)
- Transferee recruitment checklist (Appendix E)
- NPPV level 3 annual vetting notice template (Appendix G)
- Vetting decision record form (Appendix K)
- Police vetting appeal panel memorandum of understanding (Appendix L)
- Sample letter of declined vetting (Appendix S)
- Sample vetting appeal form (Appendix T)
You can find a full list of supporting materials in the Vetting APP appendices section.