Overview of the latest changes to APP.
APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from contactus@college.police.uk
More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email contactcentre@college.police.uk. All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.
Latest changes to APP
Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Mental health | Sources of help for those in need of mental and emotional support | Updated name, link and details for Grandparents Plus to Kinship |
Engagement and communication | Communication | Updated references to Twitter, which is now known as X. Also added references to other social media platfroms such as TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. |
Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse | Context and dynamics of domestic abuse | Link to 'CPS offences against the person' (appearing in the 12th and 13th box of the table) updated as previous link was broken |
Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse | Leadership, strategic oversight and management | Under the section titled: Specific management considerations when dealing with police perpetrators of domestic abuse - the following sentence has been updated from this: Allegations of domestic abuse involving police suspects must always be appropriately treated as police complaints or conduct matters and investigated as an allegation of police misconduct. To this: Allegations of domestic abuse involving police suspects must always be appropriately treated as police complaints or conduct matters and investigated as an allegation of police misconduct, regardless of whether or not it is being pursued as a criminal matter. |
Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse | Leadership, strategic oversight and management | Under the section titled: Providing support to victims - a sentence has been added, to take the sentence from this: Police forces should also ensure that such victims are given a full explanation of the force's domestic abuse workplace policy and kept fully informed about the progress of internal investigations and misconduct processes. To this: Police forces should also ensure that such victims are given a full explanation of the force's domestic abuse workplace policy and kept fully informed about the progress of internal investigations and misconduct processes. This includes making sure they understand when they are the complainant or Interested Person in an internal complaint or conduct investigation - as opposed to being the victim in any criminal investigation. In all cases, police should ensure they are willing to pursue the investigation. |
Investigation | Working with victims and witnesses | Link updated to 'Victim Support: Left in the dark' in the Victim and witness support section. |
Investigation | Working with victims and witnesses | In the 'Investigation anonymity orders' section, a link to The Crown Prosecution Service's Witness Protection and Anonymity guidance has been added. |
Investigation | Working with victims and witnesses | In the 'Working with victims and witnesses' section, a link to The Crown Prosecution Service's Easy Read Victims' Guides has been added. |
Investigation | Working with victims and witnesses | At the bottom of the page, under the 'Further information' heading, the following sentence has been added: 'The Crown Prosecution Service have published guidance on working with witnesses which provides further information on support' with a link to the guidance page. |
Major investigation and public protection | Rape and sexual offences | At the bottom of the page, the following bullet point as been added: The Crown Prosecution Service have published Easy read victims' guides for victims of rape or serious sexual assault which provides information on support available from the point a crime is committed through to the end of the criminal justice process. |