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Latest changes to APP

Overview of the latest changes to APP.

APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from

More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.

Latest changes to APP

Date Category Guidance Changes
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains

Wording changed under VHAA section to ensure clarification 

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains

Wording added under reconciliation files to reflect guidance on recording gender on reconciliation reports. 

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Health, safety, wellbeing and welfare

Link to 'Striking the balance between operational and health and safety duties in the Police Service' has been updated from 2009 version to the most recent (2018) version. 

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification DVI roles and responsibilities

Entire section has been subject to review through the APP maintenance process. This includes wording changes, reordering, additional information added, and existing information deleted. Changes include:

  • SIM responsibilities added: assume overall responsibility for the management of the DVI process, liaising with the Welfare Tactical Commander with regard to managing and assessing risk, health, safety, welfare and wellbeing issues
  • Coroner changed to HM Coroner 
  • New section on Procurator Fiscal
  • Casualty Bureau has been re drafted and significant detail added 
  • CBSAP 2024 reference added 
  • Family Liaison coordinator, advisor and officer section subject to considerable amendments and updates
  • Links updated where necessary 
  • New section on fire and rescue services including urban search and rescue (USAR) added 
  • New section on HART added 
  • New section on NILOs added
  • Restructuring throughout entire section 
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities

Diagram added the the bottom of the page as well as a link to the CBRN contaminated fatalities briefing guide. 

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities
  • Title of the page has changed from 'Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities' to 'Dealing with contaminated fatalities' 
  • CBRN incident section has been redrafted
  • The last bullet point has been changed from:

    'the needs of the bereaved families are taken into account in the disaster victim identification (DVI) process, without jeopardising the safety of the family or other responders involved in the process'


    'the needs of the bereaved families are taken into account in the disaster victim identification (DVI) process'

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification National and international arrangements
  • New section added: Crisis management department
  • National Police Coordination Centre has merged with UK DVI and sits under the heading 'UK disaster victim identification' 
  • 'Police regions' section has been redrafted
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains

Contents has been restructured and updated throughout. 

  • Recognition of life extinct section has been reworded to 'Termination of death and verification of death'
  • Family liaison - reworded and content added
  • Family liaison objectives section added
  • Antemortem sample collection section added and more info included
  • New sections added:
    • Support for families
    • Getting hep and further support
    • National homicide service
    • National emergencies trust
  • Documentation in the mortuary - reworded and content added
  • 'Identification evidence' title changed to 'Internationally agreed methods of identification evidence'
  • 'Removing human remains and taking samples' title changed to 'Investigative human samples'
  • Reconciliation investigation unit - reworded and content added
  • New section added under 'Reconciliation files'
  • Identification board or commission - reworded and content added

Multiple links updated thoughout

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Social needs and media considerations
  • Title of the page has changed from 'Social needs and media considerations' to 'The requirement of faith communities' 
  • Faith communities section has been redrafted 
  • Independent advisory groups section has been added
  • 'The media' section has been changed to 'communications and social media strategy' and has been redrafted
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification DVI roles and responsibilities

Changes throughout DVI roles and responsibilities as part of general maintenance. 

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