Why the What Works Centre for Crime Reduction was created and how to get involved.
The College of Policing is the What Works Centre for Crime Reduction. This means we collect and share research evidence on crime reduction and support its use in practice.
Our work includes:
- providing easy access to the best available evidence in the crime reduction toolkit
- sharing research on the research map
- turning evidence into practice with operational policing guidance
- sharing interventions that have been implemented by crime reduction and community safety organisations in the practice bank
- providing practical tools for evaluating policing projects, interventions and tactics
- helping to connect practitioners and academics
- supporting people in policing to undertake research by providing peer support networks, research surgeries and a college bursary scheme
The What Works Centre for Crime Reduction is part of the What Works Network – a network of 13 centres providing the best available evidence to guide decisions about public services.
To join our What Works Centre mailing list, email whatworks@college.police.uk.
What works in policing to reduce crime?
This series provides a brief overview of the most effective ways the police can tackle crime, based on the best available research evidence. The resources are relevant to anyone who works in or with policing.
Get involved with Going equipped
Going equipped is the College publication for sharing policing ideas, practice, research and insights. It is written by people in policing with a focus on reaching frontline officers and staff.
If you want to write an article for Going equipped, get in touch. We ask you to contact us before you start writing as your contribution might be appropriate for development in many ways and might fit several types of article. The Going equipped team will work with you to discuss the options for contributing as a writer and help identify the focus of your article.
All contributions are peer reviewed in a supportive and constructive way. We look for and encourage new reviewers for every issue.
To contribute as a writer or peer reviewer, get in touch at goingequipped@college.police.uk.