Going equipped is the College's operational and frontline publication written by and for police officers and staff.
Going equipped has been created to allow a wide range of peer-to-peer insights across policing at all roles and ranks, with a clear operational and frontline focus. It is written by you, for you.
If you are interested in writing about your ideas, your role, something you have done or you would like to be a peer reviewer, please email the team at goingequipped@college.police.uk.
Autumn/winter 2024
Issue 9
Articles in this issue include:
- diary of a mounted police sergeant
- mini Police: five things you need to know
- is cash still King?
- emergency services and GPS technology
Spring/summer 2024
Issue 8
Articles in this issue include:
- diary of a murder detective
- live facial recognition – five things you need to know
- the role of a surveillance officer
- predatory offending in the night-time economy
Autumn/winter 2023
Issue 7
Articles in this issue include:
- the metaverse – five things you should know
- fly-tipping of tyres – a multi-agency approach
- the role of a local intelligence officer
- shift work in policing and road safety
Spring/summer 2023
Issue 6
Articles in this issue include:
- protecting sex workers
- drones – five things you need to know
- diary of a drug expert witness
- assaults on police – culture, legitimacy and risk
Autumn/winter 2022
Issue 5
Articles in this issue include:
- going to court as a victim
- telematics – five things you need to know
- tackling drink spiking
- missing persons – making risk assessment decisions
Spring/summer 2022
Issue 4
Articles in this issue include:
- working with police dogs
- the dark net – five things you need to know
- forensic marking to protect victims
- fast decision making in policing
Autumn/winter 2021
Issue 3
Articles in this issue include:
- reducing retail theft
- being a PCSO supervisor
- body recovery from water study
- the internet – five things you need to know
Spring/summer 2021
Issue 2
Articles in this issue include:
- silent treatment during interviews
- romance fraud – five things you should know
- being a senior forensic practitioner
- emergency trauma packs
Autumn/winter 2020
Issue 1
Articles in this issue include:
- experiences of domestic abuse
- being a specialist tactical firearms commander
- bitcoin – five things you should know
- recruiting for diversity