Find out what works in crime reduction.
The crime reduction toolkit summarises the best available research evidence on what works to reduce crime.
Use the crime reduction toolkit to see:
- the impact of different interventions on crime
- how and where interventions work
- how to implement the interventions and their cost
The systematic reviews are interpreted, rated and presented using the EMMIE framework.
Intervention | Effect on crime | Quality of evidence (Effect) | Pin row to the top of the table |
Updated Mental health courts |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Updated Zero-tolerance policing |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
New Increasing police patrols over large areas |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
New Psychosocial treatment for sex offenders |
Overall reduction, some rises
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Accident and emergency navigators |
Some reduction
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
After-school programmes |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Aftercare programmes and intensive supervision probation for young offenders |
No overall change
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Aggression replacement training (ART) for reducing anti-social behaviour |
Mixed findings
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
Alcohol pricing |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Alley gating |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Alternative education programmes |
Mixed findings
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Body-worn cameras |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Boot camps |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Brief interventions for alcohol use disorders within criminal justice settings |
Some reduction
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
Car breathalyser lock |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Circles of support and accountability for sex offenders |
Some reduction
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for domestic violence |
Some reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Compulsory community treatment |
No overall change
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Crime prevention through environmental design |
Some reduction
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Criminal sanctions to prevent domestic violence |
Mixed findings
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Crisis intervention teams (CITs) |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Day reporting centres |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Dog training programmes in prison |
Overall reduction
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
Drink-drive stops |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Drink-driving courts |
Some reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Drink-driving media campaigns |
Some reduction
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Drink-driving school-based programmes |
Some reduction
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
Drug courts |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Drug substitution programmes |
Mixed findings
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Education in prisons |
Overall reduction, some rises
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Educational interventions to prevent relationship violence |
Some reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Electronic monitoring of offenders |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Electronic tagging for sex offences |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Firearm laws |
Overall reduction
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Focused deterrence strategies |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Halfway house programmes |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Health visitors |
Overall reduction
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
Healthcare screening for domestic abuse |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Hot spots policing |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Imprisonment and other custodial sanctions |
Overall rise
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Increased police patrols to reduce drink-driving |
Some reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Limiting alcohol sales |
Mixed findings
Moderate The quality of evidence (of impact) is moderate |
Lockouts for reducing alcohol-related violence |
Mixed findings
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Measures to reduce repeat victimisation – burglary |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Mentoring |
Overall reduction, some rises
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Minimum legal drinking age laws |
Mixed findings
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Moral reconation therapy (MRT) |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Motivational interviewing for domestic abusers |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Multi-agency interventions to address radicalisation |
No overall change
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Multisystemic therapy |
Some reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Music making |
No overall change
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Neighbourhood Watch |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Police-initiated diversion for adults |
Mixed findings
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Police-initiated diversion for young people |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Prison visits |
Overall reduction, some rises
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Probation officer training |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Problem-oriented policing |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Psychological treatment of adults convicted of sex offences against children |
Mixed findings
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Red light cameras |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Release on temporary licence |
Some reduction
Low The quality of evidence (of impact) is low |
Restorative justice conferencing |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Retail tagging to prevent shop theft |
Mixed findings
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Scared Straight programmes |
Overall rise
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Second responder programmes to prevent domestic abuse |
Some reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Social skills training for children |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Speed cameras |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Sports programmes designed to prevent crime and reduce reoffending |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Street lighting |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Teen courts |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Therapeutic communities |
Overall reduction, some rises
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Therapeutic foster care |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Trying youths as adults |
Mixed findings
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Victim-offender mediation |
Overall reduction, some rises
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Violence and injury observatories |
Overall reduction
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |
Wilderness challenge programmes |
Overall reduction
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Young offender aftercare |
Mixed findings
Strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is strong |
Youth curfews |
Mixed findings
Very strong The quality of evidence (of impact) is very strong |