Making sure police activity is in the right areas to provide greater focus to community engagement, problem-solving, prevention and early intervention.
First published
Written by College of Policing
Neighbourhood policing
Targeting activity - guideline
Chief officers should ensure policing activities within neighbourhoods are targeted according to the needs of different communities, taking account of threat, risk, harm and vulnerability.
Essential elements include:
- scanning and analysis that takes account of all relevant information (including public perceptions) in order to target people and places effectively
- identifying what different communities need from neighbourhood policing (including reassurance and harm reduction)
- identifying and prioritising those people, groups and places with the greatest needs
- being clear about how police and partner responses are coordinated and target places, victims and offenders
Targeting activity should:
- provide greater focus to community engagement, problem-solving, prevention and early intervention
- inform resource deployment decisions
- lead to a more coordinated response with partners and reduce demand
Empirical evidence
Practitioner evidence