90 pages tagged with Neighbourhood policing
Residential burglary
This page is from APP, the official source of professional practice for policing.
Residential burglary - Guidance overview
Practice guide to investigating residential burglaries.
Introduction to the residential burglary practice guide.
Definition of burglary according to the Theft Act 1986.
Post-sentence investigation and offender management
Managing offenders, including prison visits and releases.
Further investigation
Further steps for investigators, including victim care, forensics and working with suspects.
Intelligence handling
Managing intelligence when investigating residential burglaries.
Working with suspects
Working with burglary suspects, including offences taken into consideration, case preparation and bail.
Crime reduction initiatives
Ways to reduce instances of residential burglary.
Stolen property
How burglars seek to dispose of stolen property.
Asset recovery
About recovering assets following residential burglary.
Allocation for further investigation
How to allocate resources for further investigation of residential burglaries, including burglary investigation teams and burglary packs.
Initial response
How to manage the initial response to residential burglary, including actions for call takers and investigators.
How offenders work (modus operandi)
Common methods of procedure for residential burglaries and ways to address them.
Strategic management
How to manage residential burglary investigations.
Neighbourhood crime - Guidance overview
Evidence briefing about situational crime prevention interventions
References – neighbourhood crime prevention
A list of all the sources of information in this evidence briefing
A summary of the effectiveness of situational crime prevention interventions
Interventions for situational crime prevention
Effective interventions for tackling neighbourhood crime
The nature of neighbourhood crime
Characteristics and risk factors associated with neighbourhood crime
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