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POPS incidents

Authorised Professional Practice

This page is from APP, the official source of professional practice for policing.

First published
Public order public safety
2 mins read

Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

In the event that a member of the public dies or receives serious injury following police contact during an event or operation, forces should follow the guidance given in the Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury APP.

Gold public order public safety (POPS) commanders should also ensure that the relevant post-incident procedures are implemented and followed in such incidents.

Critical incident management

POPS commanders, public order public safety advisers (POPSAs) and POPS planners should plan for a POPS events or operation to develop into a critical incident.

A critical incident is defined as ‘any incident where the effectiveness of the police response is likely to have a significant impact on the confidence of the victim, their family and/or the community’.

Critical incidents can be both external (public facing) and internal (confined to a police force and its staff).

Specific guidance on critical incidents is contained in the Critical incident management APP.

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