Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains | Wording added under reconciliation files to reflect guidance on recording gender on reconciliation reports. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains | Wording changed under VHAA section to ensure clarification |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Health, safety, wellbeing and welfare | Link to 'Striking the balance between operational and health and safety duties in the Police Service' has been updated from 2009 version to the most recent (2018) version. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Entire section has been subject to review through the APP maintenance process. This includes wording changes, reordering, additional information added, and existing information deleted. Changes include:
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities | Diagram added the the bottom of the page as well as a link to the CBRN contaminated fatalities briefing guide. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | National and international arrangements |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains | Contents has been restructured and updated throughout.
Multiple links updated thoughout |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Social needs and media considerations |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Changes throughout DVI roles and responsibilities as part of general maintenance. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Information on Casualty Bureau manager added. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Risk assessment | Amended line 'For further information see HSE guidance: Striking the balance' to 'The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 2018 have published ‘Striking the balance between operational and health and safety duties in the Police Service.’ Added the link:
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Business continuity | Removed section titled 'sustainability' because NPCC guidance has now been published with the link to APP. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Definitions | Under the heading: 'Declaring a mass fatality incident' the information has changed slightly and now includes: National planning for a mass fatality response is coordinated centrally by the Fire Resilience and Major Events (FRaME)
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Disaster victim identification - Guidance overview | New sections added: Home Office Professional development |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Health, safety, wellbeing and welfare | Title of the page has change from 'Health, safety and welfare' to 'Health, safety, wellbeing and welfare' |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Business continuity | Additional line added to paragraph just before bullet points: 'The National Police Chiefs' Council has produced new business continuity management guidance.' Removed second bullet point: 'Business continuity management guidance (users are required to log in)' |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Business continuity | Under 'further information' added a link to Business continuity guidance on College Learn. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Response | Added a link to Stay Safe Memoire on College Learn post the maintenance review going live yesterday 04/04/2024. This is in the Counter Terrorism Policing section. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Business continuity | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. 'Business continuity' content updated and moved to its own section from its previous section ('Planning'.) |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Civil contingencies - Guidance overview | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Command, control and coordination | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Devolved nations | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. 'Devolved nations' moved to its own section from its previous section ('Civil contingencies' > 'Command, control and coordination'). |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Humanitarian assistance and police documentation teams | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. Created 'Humanitarian assistance and police documentation teams' as new section. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Legislation | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Notifiable animal diseases | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. 'Notifiable animal diseases' moved to its own section from its previous section ('Planning'). |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Planning | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. Content about 'Business continuity planning' and 'Notifiable animal diseases' moved to other sections within this APP. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Recovery | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. 'Recovery' content moved to its own section from its previous section ('Civil contingencies' > 'Response and recovery'). |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Response | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. Page title changed from 'Response and recovery' to 'Response'. Addition of content that previously sat in the 'Command, control and coordination' section. 'Recovery' content moved from this section to its own section. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Risk assessment | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Specialist resources | Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Supporting material | Extensive changes to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance. Removed checklists and added references. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Risk assessment | Updated broken links to Code of Ethics |
Civil emergencies | Civil emergencies reference material | Updated broken link to Code of Ethics |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Command, control and coordination | In section 'Emergency preparedness in Wales', removed details about the Pan-Wales Response Plan as no longer relevant. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Risk assessment | Removed typo from end of page |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Risk assessment | Corrected a broken link to the NDM within risk assessment, paragraph 2. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Specialist resources | Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) changed to Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) changed to Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | National and international arrangements | Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) changed to Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains | Amended victim holding audit area acronym from HAA to VHAA. New section added on road traffic collisions. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Senior identification manager (SIM) initial actions updated with College logo. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Inquests and inquiries | Removed the link to Jones, J. KBE (2017) from Judicial inquiries and moved it to the Overview page for disaster victim identification .
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Health, safety, wellbeing and welfare | Broken link fixed. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Specialist resources | Changed title from Mobilisation to Specialist resources to better reflect content and avoid duplication with Mobilisation APP. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Planning | Added 'notifiable animal diseases' and removed animal health act 1981 section 60 section and replaced with link. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Response | Links to family and friends reception centre replaced in relief phase section and outer cordon section |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Planning | Link to Knowledge Hub added to direct reader to information on pandemics. |
Civil emergencies | Civil emergencies - Guidance overview | Removed APP on Casualty Bureau module. Updated 'Casualty bureau incident room' section added to Disaster victim identification - Roles and responsibilities. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Added 'Casualty bureau incident room' section. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Response | Replace link to Survivors reception centre with Disaster Action link. |
Civil emergencies | Civil emergencies - Guidance overview | Updated scenario published in Casualty bureau section. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities | Error in title addressed - Contaminated fatalities. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Update SIM suggested initial actions document. |
Civil emergencies | Civil emergencies - Guidance overview | Removal of reference material. |
Civil emergencies | Civil emergencies - Guidance overview | Updated section on Casualty bureau. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | DVI roles and responsibilities | Removal of the word 'Annual' in relation to refresher training. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Inquests and inquiries | Reference to Coroners and Justice Act 2009 from Coroners Act 1988. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Disaster victim identification - Guidance overview | Revision and reformat of Disaster victim identification, including new section on Welfare. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Command, control and coordination | Methane diagram replaced. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Command, control and coordination | Addition of section on Scientific and technical advice cell. |
Civil emergencies | Civil emergencies - Guidance overview | Various updates. |
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies | Response | SAD CHALETS becomes METHANE. |
Civil emergencies | Civil emergencies - Guidance overview | Content changes. |
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification | Recovering and identifying the deceased and human remains | Content changes. |