Overview of the latest changes to APP.
APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from contactus@college.police.uk
More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email contactcentre@college.police.uk. All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.
Latest changes to APP
Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Major investigation and public protection | Adults at risk | Addition of further information links to holding page. |
Major investigation and public protection > Managing sexual offenders and violent offenders | Introduction to managing sexual offenders and violent offenders | Addition of further information links to holding page. |
Policing elections | Key roles and planning | Update of a link from 2013 Code of conduct for campaigners: postal voting, proxy voting and polling stations to 2015 version. |
Prosecution and case management | Victim and witness care | Addition of link to a protocol and some explanatory text. |
Prosecution and case management | Victim and witness care | Addition of link to a protocol and some explanatory text. |
Prosecution and case management | Charging and case preparation | Addition of link to a protocol and some explanatory text. |
Investigation > Acquisitive crime | Policing business crime | Addition of a page for business crime. |
Investigation | Investigating fraud | Addition of interim guidance on investigating fraud. |
Policing elections | Key roles and planning | Update of a link from 2010 Pre Election Protocol to 2015 Pre Election Guidance. |
Prosecution and case management | Hearing and trial management | Addition of link to a protocol and some explanatory text. |