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Developing, sharing and learning

Working with different agencies, partners and academia to identify and share learning about neighbourhood policing

First published
Written by College of Policing
Neighbourhood policing

Chief officer guideline

Chief officers should work with the College of Policing, the wider police service, partners and academia to identify and share learning about neighbourhood policing and current threats.


Evidence gaps include:

  • how to identify and respond to those people and places that are vulnerable or high risk
  • the role of neighbourhood policing in reducing serious harm (eg, violent extremism, organised crime and exploitation)
  • the police role in effective early interventionsHow social media can be used to improve visibility and community engagement
  • how neighbourhood policing can make communities stronger and more cohesive
  • the effectiveness of different approaches to neighbourhood policing

Developing and sharing this evidence should:

  • support forces to take a more evidence-based approach
  • help the police to work better with partners
  • lead to better integration between specialist units and neighbourhood policing
  • lead to a better understanding of costs and benefits of different approaches and inform decisions about where to invest resources
Empirical evidence
Practitioner evidence
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