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Police Race Action Plan: progress report

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The College of Policing and National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) have published a report outlining the progress of the Police Race Action Plan (PRAP)
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Back of an on-duty officer standing near an ambulance

The PRAP launched in 2022 and sets out key areas for improvement across policing to deliver better outcomes for black people who work in policing or interact with police.  

The report highlights work delivered by the College including:

  • updated curriculum for initial entry routes into policing, to ensure that new officers have a greater understanding of the experiences of black communities and their relationships with policing
  • publication of national curriculum and learning resources for forces to use to develop training on interactions between policing and black communities, or embed sessions into existing learning programmes
  • guidance and considerations published for forces using mentoring as a career development tool for officers and staff of black heritage
  • development of the underpinning outcomes framework for the PRAP, which has now evolved and will become the underpinning of policing’s anti-racism commitment

The report makes clear there is still a long way to go to address disproportionality and negative outcomes the black community face when dealing with the police and working within the service.  

We have undertaken and commissioned independent research and reviews to support the plan. Along with the release of the progress report, we’re publishing new research that will support the police to build stronger relationships with local communities.  

These reports are:

Both reports will support the development of new national guidance on police accountability, and the implementation of pilots on restorative community engagement.  

An update of the Police Race Action Plan will be published later in the year.

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