Chief Constable Steve Watson to lead new training programme for prospective chief officers

The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, Stephen Watson, has been appointed as Service Director for the police leadership programme – stage five (executive leaders).
Stage five replaces the strategic command course and must be completed successfully before a candidate can be appointed as a chief officer.
The police leadership programme is being delivered as part of the National Centre for Policing Leadership. It’s a five-stage programme that aims to deliver a consistent standard of leadership development for anyone who works or volunteers in policing and wants to broaden their career or prepare for promotion.
Stage five of the programme has been designed for executive leaders and is policing’s most senior leadership development course. It equips our future chief officers to lead policing operations and organisations locally, regionally and nationally.
The programme includes elements of personal, organisational and operational leadership at the executive level. There is focus on developing:
- ethical and inclusive leadership
- business skills
- political acumen
- leadership of major issues such as counter terrorism, child protection and nationally significant events
I’m delighted that Chief Constable Stephen Watson will be the Service Director for stage five of the police leadership programme. He is an outstanding leader and one of the most experienced chief constables in the country. Those on this year’s course will be able to draw on his wealth of personal experience and insight.
Good leadership is one of the absolute fundamentals within policing and the College is delivering a National Centre for Police Leadership that will develop officers and staff in all roles and ranks. With Chief Constable Watson’s input, stage five of the police leadership programme will develop leaders of the future to ensure an excellent and consistent police service is provided to the public.
Chief Constable Andy Marsh, College of Policing CEO
As Service Director, Chief Constable Watson will be responsible for ensuring that the content and the delivery methods of the programme meet the needs of the police service.
It is a real honour to be afforded the opportunity to contribute to the development of the future leaders of British policing. This role will be in addition to the great privilege that I have in continuing to serve as Chief Constable for Greater Manchester.
The enduring aim of the police leadership programme must be to deliver consistently capable leadership so as to deliver fully against public expectations of a world-class police service.
Chief Constable Stephen Watson, Greater Manchester Police