Overview of the latest changes to APP.
APP is subject to review (either scheduled or triggered) in consultation with the relevant National Policing Business Area. All amendments go through a review process and further information is available from contactus@college.police.uk
More detailed changes to APP content may be recorded separately by the the APP team. If you require a copy of APP as it was on a particular date (for example, for an enquiry) please email contactcentre@college.police.uk. All requests must be approved by the relevant Policing Standards Manager.
Latest changes to APP
Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Investigation | Working with victims and witnesses | Updates to reflect Code of Practice for Victims of Crime 2020. |
Major investigation and public protection | Adults at risk | Name changed to Adults at risk. Three documents added and one flowchart added |
Major investigation and public protection | Major investigation and public protection - Guidance overview | Note added to inform reader of review of the modules needed in line with Code of Practice for Victims of Crime 2020. |
Major investigation and public protection | Rape and sexual offences | Rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO) actions guidance document link added. |
Major investigation and public protection > Managing sexual offenders and violent offenders | Court orders and notices | Others' added to citation in Proposed prohibitions' section. Obtaining a notification order section added. HMPO watch list title put in bold and sentence 'To implement the restrictions, staff should submit a request to HMPO for information/flagging on a DPA section 29(3) form.' removed from this section. 'Other agencies' added and 'their local probatino service' removed from first sentence in 'Monitoring and enforcement of orders' section. 'and disrutive techniques' added to 'Alternative orders' title. @Hospital order and guardianship order' section removed. 'Standards of proof' heading changed to heading 4 type. 'Please Note that all SOPO RSHO & FTO will change to the new orders in March 2020 – legal check required to see if all SOPO change to SHPO and any SOPO that is indefinite beyond notification date then will be revoked' added to 'Transition' section. Link added from foreign travel restriction section to HMPO watch list |
Major investigation and public protection > Managing sexual offenders and violent offenders | Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) | Some parts of the text changed to headings to make it clearer. Link to national ViSOR standards removed from ViSOR sub section. MAPPA structure - added 'a qualifying offender' to 2nd sentence. Added 'Category 2' after MAPPA (1st sentence). |
Major investigation and public protection > Managing sexual offenders and violent offenders | Offenders with mental health issues | Care Programme Approach' added over CPA hoverbox (C/O by Jo C). MCHS changed to MHCS. New reference added (Managing the risk of suicide section) - College of Policing (June 2019) Operational Advice Managing the risk of suicide for persons under investigation for online child sexual abuse and exploitation. Old reference removed - NPCC 2016 Interim Guidance on Suicide Prevention Risk Management – Perpetrators of Child Sexual Exploitation and Indecent Images of Children (IIOC) Screen reader support enabled.
Major investigation and public protection > Modern slavery | Modern slavery investigation | Link to the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime updated to 2020 version. |
Policing elections | Key roles and planning | Updated joint guidance - candidates and campaigners. |
Policing elections | Policing elections - Guidance overview | Link added to direct readers to COVID-19 guidance. |