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Become an associate

Information for individuals who want to use their expert skills to work on short-term projects.

Associates provide services for specific, short-term pieces of work.

Associates are independent of the College and bring specialist skills to complement those of our staff. They include trainers, coaches, assessors, designers and expert witnesses.


You cannot apply to join an associate pool if you are a currently employed police officer or member of staff.

If you are a public sector employee, you may be eligible if you:

  • work part time and are applying to be an associate during your non-working hours
  • are to be engaged in associate work during non-paid leave. 

This is to avoid dual payment for the same period of engagement.

If you are accepted into a pool

If you are accepted into an associate pool, it does not guarantee you will be offered work. Work is allocated through a fair and transparent process, detailed in the scope of work.

Payment is dependent on the nature of the work undertaken. 

Pools open for applications

TS14 – Search (LSO, PolSA, RELIC, IMPSA pool)

Support the provision of counter terrorism, crime and missing person search training, planning and management within the UK and partner countries.


PP1 – Public protection and safeguarding leaders programme facilitators 

Facilitators to coordinate and deliver the public protection safeguarding leaders programme using a range of learning approaches and methodologies.


How associates are selected to join pools

Selection is done in line with the principles in the Code of Ethics. Associate pools are reselected at least every three years to ensure skills are refreshed. 

Each pool has a defined scope of work and a clear criteria necessary for the delivery of that work, including:

  • qualifications
  • skills
  • knowledge
  • experience
  • currency

Scoring expressions of interest

Expressions of interest are scored against a marking scheme of 0 to 5. You need to show that you are suitable for the role in the qualifications, skills and experience sections of the expression of interest form. 

Score Assessment Criteria
5 Excellent
  • Exceeds the required standard.
  • Response answers the question with precision and relevance.
  • Gives evidence of added value.
4 Good
  • Meets the required standard.
  • Comprehensive response in terms of detail and relevance.
3 Acceptable
  • Meets the standards in most aspects but fails in some areas.
  • Acceptable level of detail, accuracy and relevance.
2 Limited
  • Fails the standards in most aspects but meets some.
  • Limited information/inadequate/only partially addresses the question.
1 Inadequate
  • Significantly fails to meet the standard.
  • Inadequate detail provided/questions not answered/answers not directly related to the question.
0 Not eligible for consideration
  • Completely fails to meet the standard.
  • Response significantly deficient, no response.

Equal opportunities

We encourage a diverse workforce. We aim to provide a working environment where all staff, contractors and associates at all levels are valued and respected. Discrimination, bullying, promotion of negative stereotyping and harassment are not tolerated. 

We do not discriminate on the grounds of gender, gender identity, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, those with caring responsibilities, part time workers or any other factor irrelevant to a person's work.

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