Resources, information and tools to support you to provide good victim care.
16 pages tagged with Victim care
Responding to child sexual exploitation
This page is from APP, the official source of professional practice for policing.
Victim and witness care
Forced marriage and honour based abuse
Working with victims and witnesses
Victim safety and support
Female genital mutilation
Force-wide vulnerability action plan
A board overseeing all elements of vulnerability in one governance structure, reflecting all National Police Chiefs’ Council's (NPCC) national plans.
Victim support for consequential victims of indecent images of children offences
Providing support to consequential victims of indecent images of children offences.
Quality assurance thematic testing to improve investigations
Identifying good practice and areas for improvement to support investigation standards.
Community trigger coordinator for anti-social behaviour case reviews
Dedicated role to support victims and applicants with anti-social behaviour case reviews (community triggers), manage anti-social behaviour cases and share best practice among partners.
Victim feedback panel
Bringing together Essex Police, the force’s commissioned victim services, and victims themselves to a force-wide platform, to capture the victim’s voice for organisational learning and help shape service delivery improvements.
Victims' Code for policing
The new Victims' Code came into force in April 2021. This page outlines victims' rights under the Code and the main changes for officers and staff.
Victims' Code
Resources, news and videos on the Ministry of Justice's Victims' Code and how policing is responding to it.
Victims deserve highest standards from police
Using a trauma-informed approach for serious violence victims
How the new Victims' Code helps ensure confidence in policing
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