20 pages tagged with Knowledge sharing
Learning the lessons
Using the best available research to identify patterns, understand the risks to safety, identify learning needs and assess training delivery.
Preventing fraud for businesses by securing card processing machines (PDQs)
Working with businesses to put preventative measures in place to reduce card processing machine fraud.
Operation Parksafe – reducing road danger
Reporting parking offences online in response to a key community priority.
Begging resources guidance – Surrey Police
Begging guide supports officers to understand, respond and record incidents of begging.
Confidence in policing symposium
About smarter practice
Socialisation of student officers
Highlighting diverse experiences across policing
Learn to lead – CPD in focus day five
Learning from difference – CPD in focus day four
Learning from social media – CPD in focus day three
Learning from colleagues – CPD in focus day two
Learning outside the classroom – CPD in focus day one
What is the digital intelligence and investigation project?
Talk to police colleagues and share ideas with Cuppa connections
Sharing knowledge during the COVID-19 lockdown
Going equipped – highlighting your experiences
Preparing policing for future challenges and demands
Giving the Special Constabulary a voice within policing
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