The force has introduced Talent Module, a software application which helps to identify personal development needs. The app includes a ‘9 box’ talent identification framework for the force to recognise potential in their workforce to identify opportunities for development.
Does it work? |
Untested – new or innovative
Focus |
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Diversity and inclusion
Leadership, development and learning
Organisation | |
HMICFRS report
Region |
West Midlands
Partners |
Private sector
Stage of practice |
The practice is implemented.
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The intervention aims to provide a framework for identifying and developing talent, applicable to a large organisation with variety of roles as well as supporting fairness, consistency, diversity, and inclusion.
The system ensures that data is held securely and provides relevant information and insight to enable talent development whilst ensuring disparity is addressed.
The talent mapping outcomes support succession planning and development planning.
Intended outcome
- Identification of members of the workforce who have developed specialist skills or aspire to various positions.
- Identification of future successors for critical roles and development interventions.
- Development opportunities offered to members of the workforce.
- Feedback provided to members of the workforce.
The Talent Module, an addition to the core human resource (HR) system deployed by the force, has allowed the force to undertake talent mapping on a large scale, using the system to run "talent mapping" meetings where managers plot their team members on a "9 box" grid – bespoke to West Midlands Police (WMP) needs.
The grid uses the axis of performance and potential to assess the placement of individuals and then used to provide development support and feedback to them. It is also used to identify future successors for critical roles and individuals for development interventions such as leadership programmes. The system enables real time people information, data gathering, offering a secure approach to talent data gathering.
The initiative was implemented to introduce new functionality from Oracle Fusion, a core HR system, by a small team including an external contractor. They were able to configure the performance management modules as well as the talent module including the creation of the 9-box grid. This innovation was part of a wider programme of work to bring a new performance management and objective setting system to the force.
The intervention involved:
- engagement and consultation of senior leaders on the approach, including a pilot in several business areas
- creation of a talent mapping framework and guidance, including a model of potential
- implementation of a performance management ratings approach underpinning the ‘performance’ aspect of the talent mapping. These ratings are recorded in Oracle Fusion's performance module, used for the annual appraisal process
- implementation of the talent mapping module of Oracle Fusion, including the piloting functionality
- introduction of a process to bring together workforce planning, talent mapping and succession planning called strategic talent planning. This facilitates a holistic process that enables roll-out in different departments, combining future proof people strategy consisting of talent identification and succession planning
- working with an external contractor to configure the talent and performance modules of Oracle Fusion
- production/provision of training for managers and senior leaders on talent mapping/succession planning processes
- the roll out of the module with a small team of talent managers and workforce manager
The system was introduced as part of a pilot phase within the force, refining and updating the approach based on business and manager feedback. The system allows for real time talent mapping of colleagues across the system functionality, enabling good quality conversations with individuals and their development.
Overall impact
The implementation of this talent mapping initiative has been positive in the departments they have been introduced to. Managers have reported feeling better able to identify and develop their team’s performance and potential.
Several departments have also identified risks and issues relating to succession planning, retention and workforce development that are now being addressed and resolved as part of this process. The participating departments have a clear picture and plan surrounding the development of their workforce and the best way to utilise their talent.
- The biggest piece of learning is around the cultural maturity needed to implement talent mapping and manager capability.
- Having a strong governance framework plus an approach to confidentiality and transparency will support organisations to avoid teething issues with the process.
- Combining talent mapping with a wider programme of activity such as workforce planning can provide the context and business imperative that departments need to be able to embed and make best use of their in-house talent.
- The Oracle talent module implementation needs a good level of training and guidance for system users and is best introduced as part of a facilitated process to support line managers and end users.
- The oracle talent module is best used within a wider suite of other oracle features such as performance, core HR functions and Oracle Learn. This will enable the utilisation of all the functionality and reporting tools.
- College of Policing National Talent Development Framework which will be available in the next 12 months, will guide forces on the approach to follow to achieve success.