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Bradford mapping research – service provision for vulnerable groups in contact with the police

Mapping services used by vulnerable groups in contact with the police in Bradford.

Key details

Lead institution
Principal researcher(s)
Professor Adam Crawford
Police region
North East
Collaboration and partnership
  • Bradford Metropolitan District Council
  • West Yorkshire Police
  • West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit
  • West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health Care Partnership
  • Bradford Opportunity Area (Department for Education)
  • Bradford Institute of Health Research
Level of research
Professional/work based
Project start date
Date due for completion

Research context

Bradford has a rich history and continues to explore innovative ways to support its community, illustrated by the work of the Alliance for Life Chances and the Born in Bradford Study. However, the city faces significant challenges with high levels of social and economic disadvantage. This means that an increasing number of people struggle with complex and multiple needs that increase their vulnerability and sometimes lead them to contact the police. 

This project seeks to better understand:

  • the service provision for people who are vulnerable in Bradford
  • how services address people’s needs
  • how they may work together to do so more effectively

To do this, the research team will:

  • identify opportunities and challenges in service provision for people who are considered vulnerable
  • identify leaders or champions who drive progress
  • identify examples of good practice when it comes to different services working together
  • develop an overview of services currently available for vulnerable people across Bradford, as well as how and why they are connected to each other and the ways they connect to address multiple and interconnected vulnerabilities

This will paint a localised picture of ‘what works’ in Bradford. To achieve this, the researchers will interview, observe and survey a range of stakeholders from the community and services across Bradford, including vulnerable groups.

Research methodology

The study uses a rigorous qualitative approach to map organisations that can be used for research in other areas.
The work contains three interrelated parts.

1. Organisational perspectives of service providers

The team will conduct interviews with senior managers from key services such as West Yorkshire Police, Bradford City Council, West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit and West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. These will provide an overview of the structural relationships between organisations involved in delivering services. They will also help the team to understand how data is shared and used across services.

2. Case studies of service provision

The team will conduct interviews and focus groups with both frontline service providers and people who use services. Some case studies will focus on specific vulnerabilities and how services respond (for example, interventions on domestic abuse, mental health and homelessness). Other case studies will look at neighbourhoods where a number of vulnerable people live. This will help the team to capture the work of services based in communities that try to prevent vulnerability and respond to it.

3. Case studies of inter-agency service provision

The team will organise interviews and focus groups with frontline service providers working in multi-agency teams, for example, as part of the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit. The team will also observe everyday practice and meetings between different organisations. This will help the researchers gain a deep understanding of the intricacies of partnership working, coordination between different agencies and good practice.

Research participation

The project team is looking for service providers (education, health, criminal justice, third sector and private sector) in three areas of Bradford – Holme Wood, Manningham and Bradford City Centre. They are particularly interested in services that support individuals from minority backgrounds and services that could enable discussions with people with lived experience.

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