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Another Chance: A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of focused deterrence in England

A multi-centre randomised controlled trial evaluation of the effectiveness of focused deterrence interventions to reduce violent offending.

Key details

Lead institution
Principal researcher(s)
Iain Brennan
Police region
North East
Collaboration and partnership
  • Paul McFarlane (UCL)
  • Will Graham (University of Abertay)
  • Alex Sutherland
Level of research
Professional/work based
Project start date
Date due for completion


Allocation to the intervention condition will be associated with a:

  • reduction in the number of violent offences compared to the control condition
  • longer time to a violent offence compared to the control condition
  • reduction in the number of co-offending violent offences compared to the control condition.

Geographical area

Manchester, Leicester, Nottingham, Coventry and Wolverhampton

Target sample size


Participants - inclusion criteria

Eligibility criteria vary across sites, but typically involve individuals at risk of involvement in violence aged 14 to 40 years.


Focused deterrence.

Study design

Multi-centre, two-arm, stratified randomised controlled trials with random allocation of individuals.

Outcome measures

  • Number of violence against the person offences (police records)
  • Time to offence (police records)
  • Co-offending (police records)
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