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Communicating and influencing

Communicating and influencing is one of the core skills in the policing professional profiles.

First published

Communicating and influencing is a two-way process relating to sharing information that is clear and accurate. This information could be:

  • verbal
  • non-verbal
  • written

Part of this process is remaining receptive to others' opinions. It is also about demonstrating the ability to evaluate, edit, and share information in a timely way, promoting understanding and effective action.

Level 1 – communicating and influencing

  • I write clearly, producing clear, concise, and accurate reports or other documents that have a clear focus and purpose.
  • I listen attentively when others are speaking, asking open questions to confirm their needs and appreciate their point of view.
  • I speak in clear and simple language so that I can be easily understood by others.
  • I take time to understand the needs of people I communicate with.
  • I listen actively and check my understanding.
  • I show empathy and communicate with others fairly and respectfully.
  • I use different communication and influencing approaches to de-escalate challenging situations and resolve conflict.

Level 2 – communicating and influencing

  • I communicate openly and honestly with others, listening and responding carefully to their ideas, thoughts and feelings.
  • I prepare for important communications in advance to help me be effective.
  • I communicate complex and sensitive information clearly and at the right level of detail, both verbally and in writing.
  • I explain my reasoning logically and clearly, adapting the type of communication to effectively meet the different needs of individuals and audiences.

Level 3 – communicating and influencing

  • I draw robust conclusions from complex data and communicate these persuasively verbally and in writing.
  • I communicate clearly, calmly, and professionally with others under pressure.
  • I produce and manage communications across the department(s) and where appropriate with external groups.
  • I understand the potential impact of sensitive and impactful communications, anticipating the reactions of different audiences and responding to their needs.
  • I facilitate large group and team meetings skilfully, adapting my communication approach to the requirements of each audience and situation, using different techniques to lead, motivate and engage others.
  • I ensure that data privacy and protection considerations are duly applied.

Level 4 – communicating and influencing

  • I ensure that information is shared effectively to promote organisational effectiveness – keeping people informed concerning information and/or decisions that may affect them.
  • I deploy a range of communication and influencing techniques to successfully negotiate, collaborate and/or effect change.
  • I apply knowledge of modern communication platforms, including social media, to develop effective approaches to communications.
  • I review and implement communication materials and media plans giving clear and trusted direction and advice and ensure teams/individuals know what is required of them.
  • I take time to listen to others and ensure multiple perspectives inform my decision making and communicate the reasons behind my decisions in a way that is clear and understood.
  • I communicate my viewpoint concisely, adapting my language and personalising messages to meet the needs of all audiences.

Level 5 – communicating and influencing

  • I use a range of communication methods and positive influencing techniques to successfully negotiate, collaborate and effect change at senior levels and across a diverse range of stakeholders.
  • I consult, influence and present in formal, informal and public settings to build confidence, provide the best service possible and enhance the reputation of the organisation and the wider police service.
  • I create opportunities to make sure the organisation’s priorities, values and desired culture are communicated clearly and with enthusiasm, providing an uplifting sense of the future and help people see their role within it.
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