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Licensed products

Information about our licensed products that policing organisations can deliver locally and which organisations are licensed to do this.

Licensed products for policing organisations

Our licensed products include ready-to-deliver training programmes, e-learning and learning standards (where licensees must develop their own learning to achieve the standards).

We license these to other policing organisations to deliver locally under our standard consolidated licence, which contains our generic terms. This includes Home Office police forces, as well as wider law enforcement and public sector organisations.

Specific terms

Each licensed product has its own specific terms that sit under our consolidated licence as a licence schedule. The schedules contain important conditions that all our licensees must adhere to.

Using products outside their terms

You must submit a permissions request form if you are an existing licensee and wish to deliver our licensed products outside of their terms. For example, to a wider audience.

For any queries about our licensed products, contact the copyright and licensing team at copyright&

Publicly available intellectual property

If you are not an existing licensee or wish to use our other publicly available intellectual property, you may need to apply for our permission. Our products are not generally available to private individuals or organisations wishing to deliver them commercially.

If you want to book onto a programme or course

We do not generally deliver our own licensed products. If you want to book onto one of these licensed programmes, you must either be enrolled on one of the police entry routes or employed by an organisation licensed to deliver the programme.

You can also book onto courses and programmes that we run ourselves. See all our bookable College-run learning programmes and courses.

Search our licensed products and current licensees

Specialist operations
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-A-112 1.0 Public and personal safety training (PPST) programme Download schedule (PDF, 281.26 KB)
PL-A-120 6.0 First aid learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 270.3 KB)
PL-A-130 1.0 Public order public safety command programme Download schedule (PDF, 414.18 KB)
PL-A-131 1.0 Public order public safety standard programme Download schedule (PDF, 399.38 KB)
PL-A-132 1.0 Public order public safety tactical programme Download schedule (PDF, 395.58 KB)
Local policing
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-B-101 4.0 Stop and search learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 252.87 KB)
PL-B-120 2.0 Roads policing programme Download schedule (PDF, 244.5 KB)
PL-B-121 2.0 Police driver training programme Download schedule (PDF, 267.67 KB)
Joint operations
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-B-104 6.0 Disaster victim identification (DVI) foundation course Download schedule (PDF, 256.21 KB)
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-C-101B 3.0 Professionalising investigations programme (PIP) level 1 and 2 curriculum Download schedule (PDF, 258.35 KB)
PL-C-102B 4.0 Professionalising investigation programme (PIP) 2 investigative supervisor/manager programme Download schedule (PDF, 243.5 KB)
PL-C-105 9.0 Senior Investigating Officer Development Programme (SIODP) Download schedule (PDF, 286.39 KB)
PL-C-109 5.0 Specialist investigative interviewing programme Download schedule (PDF, 242.73 KB)
PL-C-110 5.0 Interview advisor development programme (module A and B) Download schedule (PDF, 239.46 KB)
PL-C-113 5.0 Family liaison learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 241.64 KB)
PL-C-114 3.0 Investigating sudden childhood death (ISCD) learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 241.05 KB)
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-C-115 4.0 Using drug testing kits Download schedule (PDF, 246.17 KB)
PL-C-116 5.0 Crime scene investigators (CSI) learning programme – stage 1 (volume and priority crime) Download schedule (PDF, 247.37 KB)
PL-C-117 5.0 Crime scene investigators (CSI) learning programme – stage 2 (serious and complex crime) Download schedule (PDF, 245.91 KB)
PL-C-118 5.0 Crime scene management Download schedule (PDF, 245.36 KB)
PL-C-119 2.0 Crime scene coordination Download schedule (PDF, 243.66 KB)
PL-C-120 5.0 IDENT1 Tenprint operator Download schedule (PDF, 241.92 KB)
PL-C-121 4.0 Fingerprint comparison learning programme: stage 1 (core professional skills) Download schedule (PDF, 245.2 KB)
PL-C-122 3.0 Fingerprint comparison learning programme: stage 2 (specialist professional skills) Download schedule (PDF, 245.44 KB)
PL-C-123 3.0 Fingerprint comparison learning programme: stage 3 (courtroom skills) Download schedule (PDF, 245.17 KB)
PL-C-124 4.0 Fingermark visualisation and imaging learning programme: laboratory skills Download schedule (PDF, 258.66 KB)
PL-C-125 4.0 Fingermark visualisation and imaging learning programme: crime scene skills Download schedule (PDF, 244.62 KB)
PL-C-126 3.0 Footwear examination programme – stage 1 (coding and intelligence) Download schedule (PDF, 244.87 KB)
PL-C-127 3.0 Footwear examination programme – stage 2 (screening) Download schedule (PDF, 243.93 KB)
PL-C-128 3.0 Footwear examination programme – stage 3 (interpretation and reporting) Download schedule (PDF, 245.85 KB)
Public protection
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-D-101 4.0 Specialist child abuse investigators: development programme (SCAIDP) Download schedule (PDF, 247.25 KB)
PL-D-102 3.0 Coercive control Download schedule (PDF, 247.44 KB)
PL-D-104 3.1 Specialist sexual assault investigators development programme (SSAIDP) Download schedule (PDF, 245.02 KB)
PL-D-104B 1.1 New specialist sexual assault investigators development programme (SSAIDP) Download schedule (PDF, 356.65 KB)
PL-D-105B 2.0 Sexual offences liaison officer (SOLO) Download schedule (PDF, 241.88 KB)
PL-D-106 2.0 Management of sexual offenders and violent offenders (MOSOVO) development programme and active risk management system (ARMS) Download schedule (PDF, 267.96 KB)
PL-D-108 3.0 Vulnerability and risk learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 250.48 KB)
PL-D-109 3.0 Modern slavery general awareness training Download schedule (PDF, 242.4 KB)
PL-D-110B 1.0 Modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) investigator learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 241.96 KB)
PL-D-111 1.0 Modern slavery victim liaison officer Download schedule (PDF, 239.35 KB)
PL-D-120 1.1 Domestic Abuse (DA) Matters change programme Download schedule (PDF, 245.36 KB)
PL-D-130 2.0 Grading of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 204.7 KB)
PL-D-132 1.0 Rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO) investigative skills development programme Download schedule (PDF, 249.05 KB)
PL-D-133 1.0 Rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO) for first responders Download schedule (PDF, 259.04 KB)
Serious organised crime and intelligence
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-E-102B 4.1 Intelligence professionalisation programme (IPP) curriculum learning resources Download schedule (PDF, 263.36 KB)
PL-E-103 5.1 Intelligence professionalisation programme (IPP) curriculum Download schedule (PDF, 287.57 KB)
Cybercrime and digital investigation
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-F-102 2.0 Digital media investigator (DMI) programme Download schedule (PDF, 203.18 KB)
PL-F-103 2.0 Digital policing foundation level 2 programme Download schedule (PDF, 241.91 KB)
PL-F-105 2.0 CCTV retrieval level 2 course Download schedule (PDF, 217.22 KB)
PL-F-111 1.1 CyberDigiTools (CDT) App – Version 2.0 Download schedule (PDF, 264.82 KB)
PL-F-112 2.0 Internet intelligence investigation (III) investigator learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 247.63 KB)
PL-F-113 1.0 Internet intelligence investigation (III) overt investigator learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 256.7 KB)
Criminal justice
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-G-101 7.0 Detention and custody curriculum programme Download schedule (PDF, 209.82 KB)
PL-G-102 3.0 Pre-charge bail product Download schedule (PDF, 242.44 KB)
Technical skills training
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-J-201 5.0 Licensed search officer (LSO) course Download schedule (PDF, 265.5 KB)
Behavioural skills
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-K-102 4.0 ICT learning programmes – police national computer (PNC) Download schedule (PDF, 263.42 KB)
PL-K-103 4.0 ICT learning programmes – police national database (PND) Download schedule (PDF, 240.67 KB)
PL-K-104 4.0 ICT learning programmes – ViSOR dangerous persons database Download schedule (PDF, 241.38 KB)
Training skills
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-K-105 5.0 Training essentials programme (TEP) Download schedule (PDF, 298.37 KB)
National policing curriculum
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-L-105 2.1 Reverse mentoring Download schedule (PDF, 190.31 KB)
PL-L-106 1.0 Police leadership programme (locally delivered stages 1 to 3) Download schedule (PDF, 701.85 KB)
PL-L-107 1.0 Facilitation of lived experiences workshops Download schedule (PDF, 285.55 KB)
Selection and assessment
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-M-104 5.0 Beyond 360° feedback system Download schedule (PDF, 282.23 KB)
Initial routes into policing
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-N-101 3.0 Police constable degree apprenticeship (PCDA) Download schedule (PDF, 709.05 KB)
PL-N-103 3.0 Degree-holder entry programme (DHEP) Download schedule (PDF, 703.01 KB)
PL-N-104 3.0 Police community support officer (PCSO) apprenticeship and non-apprenticeship programmes Download schedule (PDF, 703.92 KB)
PL-N-105 3.0 Special constable learning programme Download schedule (PDF, 716.72 KB)
PL-N-107 1.0 Police constable entry programme (PCEP) Download schedule (PDF, 278.48 KB)
Digital services
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-P-101 5.0 Digital services (e-learning and the managed learning environment – College Learn) Download schedule (PDF, 210.07 KB)
PL-P-200 5.0 E-learning content and access Download schedule (PDF, 209.85 KB)
Workforce development
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-Q-101 1.0 Policing professional profiles Download schedule (PDF, 238.28 KB)
Diversity, equality and inclusion
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-R-102 1.0 Upstander Download schedule (PDF, 235.61 KB)
Code of Ethics
Ref. no. Version number Licensed product Licence schedule
PL-S-101 1.0 Code of Ethics (module 4 – ethical grey areas) Download schedule (PDF, 235.84 KB)
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