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National talent development strategy

The national talent development strategy (NTDS) helps forces to grow their leadership capacity, plan for the future and invest in talent at every level.

First published


The College of Policing is helping to transform how leaders are trained through the five stage police leadership programme and the creation of the national centre for police leadership (NCPL). 

Part of this transformation is the national talent development strategy (NTDS) which will help forces to grow their leadership capacity, plan for the future and invest in talent at every level. 

Developed with our partners from across policing, the NTDS will introduce a consistent approach nationally, and is dedicated to supporting leadership development, promotion, and progression for everyone in policing.

The NTDS will help to address the gaps in leadership by ensuring that everyone in policing (officers, staff and volunteers) who shows leadership ability is:

  • recognised
  • able to progress
  • equipped with the skills they need to be successful


The NTDS will play a crucial role in helping police forces to:

  • develop their workforce by helping all officers, staff and volunteers reach their full potential
  • support the retention of individuals by investing in their development
  • identify, develop and enable individuals with senior leadership potential, particularly from under-represented groups
  • improve leadership capability and capacity at all levels.


As part of the NTDS, we are releasing a implementation toolkit (you will need to log in), which will help forces to deliver the NTDS, while retaining the flexibility to address local issues and unique challenges.

For more information or support email the implementation team.

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