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Hydra facilitators course (HyFac)

Get the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage a Hydra event.

The HyFac course equips facilitators and subject matter experts with the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage a Hydra event.

We build upon their skills as a qualified trainer, and add the specialised skills needed to be a facilitator to ensure their events are as dynamic and rich in discussion as they can be.

Immersive learning is about creating dilemma and then giving delegates a chance to make considered decisions, without any 'real world' consequences.

The delegates then discuss those decisions with their peers and consider other avenues and possibilities.

We use a range of pre-recorded, live media and role players to make every delegate's experience unique.

We do not assess delegates because we want them to behave as they would in the workplace, not as they think they should. They may never get another chance to practise what they'd do 'in the real world', so we want them to learn from our scenario before they face it for real.


By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • describe the Hydra philosophy
  • introduce a Hydra exercise and explain its complex methodologies
  • summarise the Hydra development process
  • identify the teamwork required to carry out their facilitator role productively
  • manage syndicate sessions
  • manage plenary sessions
  • use specialist Hydra techniques effectively

Key details

Rank/staff eligibility
All ranks and levels

Two days


Non-residential: £776 for courses from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. 

£822 for courses from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.

Course contact
Course timetable
When Location Course status

Harperley Hall

Places available


Places available

Harperley Hall

Places available


Places available

Harperley Hall

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