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Violence against women: Resources for policing

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Training, guidance and research for police forces in England and Wales
10 mins read
Police officer

The College of Policing and key stakeholders have produced a list of supporting materials to help forces address vulnerability, violence and abuse and to manage the risk posed by perpetrators.

We have guidance, resources and training for officers and staff working to protect women and girls, most of which is easily accessible online. We’re committed to continuously improving these resources, using the evidence base to review and update them, and supporting forces to be victim-led and perpetrator-focused.

Assistant Chief Constable Tom Harding, Director of Public Safety & Risk, College of Policing

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For more information, you can go to the violence against women and girls toolkit. The toolkit contains a list of misogynistic behaviours and the offences under which they could be prosecuted, alongside tactics and protective tools that can be used to prevent further reoffending.

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