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Latest changes – post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Date Category Guidance Changes
Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Text amendment standardising the wording used by post incident managers in reminding officers not to confer.

Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Changed paragraph in line with section 12 police reform act to: 

“A DSI matter means any circumstances (unless the circumstances are or have been the subject of a complaint or amount to a conduct matter) in or as a result of a person’s death or serious injury and:

  • at the time of the DSI, the person had been arrested by a person serving with the police and had not been released, or was detained in the custody of a person serving with the police.


  • at or before the time of the DSI, the person had direct or indirect contact with a person serving with the police who was acting in the execution of their duties, and there is an indication that the contact may have directly or indirectly caused or contributed to the DSI. This sub-category excludes contact that a person suffering the DSI had while acting in the execution of their duties as a person serving with the police” (see Police Reform Act 2002, s 12, as amended by the Policing and Crime Act 2017)
Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Have made changes to the content that mirrors the APP on Armed policing – Post-deployment section. Changes made to the following subsections:

  • Post-incident procedures – media management bullet amended.
  • Protecting the identity of officers and staff – deletion of a paragraph, two added, one amended.
  • Equipment and exhibits – added paragraph at the end of this section.
  • Progress of the investigation – penultimate paragraph amended, inclusion of quote.
  • Special leave or suspension – last paragraph amended adding a sentence and changing KPW to officers/staff.
  • Media releases – 'via the PIM' added and PIM changed for chief officer (or delegated senior officer) in the same penultimate paragraph.
  • Chief officer (or delegated senior officer) – added a bullet point next to last.
  • Reference material – added 'recording of communications' bullet.
Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Addition of new content about 'Body-worn video' beneath existing section on 'Record information'.

Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Additional text to Stage 3 – personal initial accounts and Stage 4 – detailed accounts, statements and interviews, about formal documentation due to possible subsequent legal, conduct or coronial proceedings.

Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

Additional PIP guidance added to support implementation of the APP.

Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury Post-incident procedures following death or serious injury

New content added.

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