26 pages tagged with Knife crime
Foreword by Andy Marsh, Chief Executive
CEO Andy Marsh on the problem solving guide
Knife crime
This page is from APP, the official source of professional practice for policing.
Response – problem solving to tackle knife crime
Effective problem solving for knife crime is a commitment to select responses based on what you have learned from your local scanning and analysis.
Analysis – problem solving to tackle knife crime
What causes knife crime, and who commits it?
Scanning – problem solving to tackle knife crime
Problem solving begins with scanning to find a specific knife crime problem that affects the community that the police can do something to address.
Assessment – problem solving to tackle knife crime
Did you impact your knife crime problem, and how?
Defining knife crime
What is knife crime?
Defining police problem solving
Problem-oriented policing or problem solving – what it involves and how it works.
Knife crime – a problem solving guide - Guidance overview
Guide to tackling knife crime, setting out a range of approaches and evaluating what works.
Recommended readings and resources
Useful resources to accompany the knife crime problem solving guide.
References and acknowledgements
A list of resources referenced in the knife crime problem solving guide and how to cite the guide.
Knife crime evidence briefing - Guidance overview
Evidence briefing to inform decisions about approaches to tackling knife crime.
Interventions to reduce knife crime
Process of developing interventions.
References from the knife crime evidence briefing.
Understanding the causes of knife crime
Motivations for and factors associated with an individual’s involvement in knife crime.
Thames Valley Police whole force hot spots policing randomised controlled trial
Assessing the effectiveness of visible patrol in hot spots of serious violence and knife crime.
Using community impact statements for knife crime
Statements that highlight the wider impact of knife crime on local communities and can be used as evidence to support prosecutions.
Commando Chef - cooking with the Royal Marines to engage young people
Using cooking to engage and motivate young people and young adults to deter them from committing serious violent crimes.
Trauma support team (TST) to respond to victims of violence
A dedicated police team based in London's major trauma centre hospital to assist with evidence and investigations related to victims of violent crime attending hospital.
Habitual knife carrier index – Sussex Police
Targeting multi-agency interventions to divert individuals from current or future involvement in knife crime.
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