26 pages tagged with Child abuse
Operation Hydrant
This page is from APP, the official source of professional practice for policing.
Risk and associated investigations
Child abuse linked reference material
Police response to concern for a child
Further investigation
Staffing and the child abuse investigation unit
Managing complex child abuse investigations
Key definitions
Multi-agency arrangements for safeguarding
Information management
Police officers suspected of child abuse
Monitoring, evaluating and learning lessons
Critical incidents and community impact assessments
Investigating child abuse and safeguarding children - Guidance overview
Police response to investigating child abuse - Guidance overview
Preventing young people from becoming victims of child criminal exploitation (CCE)
Reviewing how we can effectively prevent young people from becoming victims of CCE and mitigate threat, risk and harm.
Safer Lives – Support for people identified as having possession of images of children
Providing individuals investigated for online offences involving children with details of the support which can be accessed to help them address the criminal justice system.
Child Matters – a training package for identifying child neglect
Increasing capability in recognising and recording incidents of child neglect.
Family pack support booklet
Providing information and support to the families of suspects arrested for indecent images of children.
Civil order caseworkers for reducing sexual offending risks
Using subject matter expects (SMEs) to identify and prepare civil order applications against people posing a sexual risk.
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