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Safer Streets Fund toolkit

Help to access investment for improved safety in public areas through the Safer Streets Fund.

Bidding is closed for round four of the Safer Streets Fund.

About the Safer Streets Fund

The Safer Streets Fund is a Home Office fund. It allows forces and local authorities to invest in crime prevention initiatives.

There have been four previous application rounds. Funding for round four focused on interventions aimed at:

  • neighbourhood crime
  • anti-social behaviour
  • violence against women and girls
  • improving the safety of public spaces for all


Support for funding applications

These resources were created to support applications for the fourth round of the Safer Streets Fund. They include a toolkit and two evidence briefings.

Crime prevention toolkit

The toolkit was developed with the Home Office, the Police Crime Prevention Initiative and a subject matter expert group. It was created to help forces, local authorities and police and crime commissioners (PCCs) to plan their bids to the Safer Streets Fund and select appropriate interventions for their area. It can also help operational police officers when considering local interventions in neighbourhoods.

It includes:

  • resources to help identify and analyse problems

  • an evidence-based guide to the situational crime prevention tactics that can be used to tackle neighbourhood crime

  • information on implementation considerations and lead in times for the tactics that will help to inform decision-making

  • case studies to provide examples of where a problem-solving approach to acquisitive crime has worked well in the past

For further information or to provide feedback on the toolkit, email

Evidence briefings

The evidence briefings provide:

  • details of evidence-based strategies, tactics and general approaches that have the potential to reduce violence against women and girls (VAWG) in public spaces
  • a summary of the evidence of the effectiveness of bystander programmes to prevent sexual assault among young people


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