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Information, contact details and terms and conditions for suppliers.

Contracting opportunities

We advertise new contracting opportunities in the following places, where appropriate:

Upcoming opportunities

We use a variety of means to notify suppliers of future opportunities, including:

Associate opportunities

See information on how to become an associate.

Different terms and conditions apply for all associate and personally engaged associate procurement. These documents can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

CCS and Home Office e-tendering portals

Jaggaer is a password-protected e-tendering system used by the College. The College uses either the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) version or the Home Office version depending on our requirement.

As a potential supplier you should register on both the Home Office and CCS versions so that you can:

  • view opportunities to tender
  • submit tender responses

Prompt payment policy

We follow government policy and pay all correctly submitted invoices within 30 days of receiving them.

Data handling and security

If you handle data, you must make sure that you comply with our security procedures. There are different schedules you must follow based on the amount of data you manage.

We take data security very seriously and are required to give assurance that both personal information and sensitive data are being appropriately protected throughout the supply chain. Suppliers may therefore need to understand and comply with the supplier aspects of the security policy framework.

Standard terms and conditions for College contracts

If you would like to know which terms and conditions apply when bidding for a particular College contract the information will be included in the tender documentation, and you can contact the person named in the advertisement.

Terms and conditions are on a case by case basis and can be dependent on the framework we decide to use.

If not using a framework we mostly use standard terms and conditions that have been developed by CCS and the Government Legal Department.

Purchase orders and lower value contracts 

For lower value contracts, our purchase orders (documents that ask a company to supply goods and give details of price, method and date of payment) are subject to our terms and conditions of contract for goods and terms and conditions of contract for services.

These documents can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. 

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

The College wants to buy from SMEs every time they are the best value for money.

Find out more about bidding for government contracts in the doing business with government: guide for SMEs.

Social and environment policy

The College will, when appropriate, look to incorporate additional social benefits and environmental requirements through its procurement activities. 

Procurement law

As with other central government bodies and many other public bodies, the College is obliged to follow the relevant public procurement regulations. The most recent regulations applicable are the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

These regulations set thresholds for contracts, above which certain procedures must be applied to the tendering and award of contract. The current thresholds are published by the Cabinet Office.

Our Procurement policy

Wherever possible and cost effective we make use of central framework arrangements set up by Crown Commercial Service or by other public sector bodies.

Where a suitable framework agreement is not available:

  • one quotation is sought for requirements with an estimated value of under £1,000 (ex. VAT)
  • three quotations are sought for requirements with an estimated value between £1,000 and £10,000 (ex. VAT)
  • requirements with an estimated value of more than £10,000 (ex. VAT) will be advertised on Contracts Finder, where applicable
  • requirements with an estimated value above the current thresholds will be advertised on Find a Tender

Procurement team

You can contact the College procurement team at: 

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