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Latest changes – mental health

Date Category Guidance Changes
Mental health Sources of help for those in need of mental and emotional support

Updated four broken links to the following charity websites:

  • AgeUK
  • Papyrus
  • Healthtalk
  • Childhood Bereavement Network
Mental health Suicide and bereavement response

Replaced reference to 'management of police information code of practice' with 'Police information and records management Code of Practice' and added link.

Mental health Suicide and bereavement response

Added links to guidance on planned assisted suicide and completed assisted suicide, under Suicide pacts or assisted suicide.

Mental health Suicide and bereavement response

Changes made to section Suicide and bereavement response. An additional bullet was added – 'consider whether domestic abuse or coercive and controlling behaviour may have contributed to or caused the death'

Mental health Suicide and bereavement response

Added new reference document (College of Policing (2022) Delivering a death message) to the section on Conveying the message.

Mental health Sources of help for those in need of mental and emotional support

Email changed  from to - in the section ‘Bereavement support after a death by suicide for adults’

Mental health Mental vulnerability and illness

Review of all existing links to the 2011 ABE guidance and update the reference to the new 2022 guidance.

Mental health Mental vulnerability and illness

New paragraph added to the end of the autism section (section 2.1.4).

Mental health Suicide and bereavement response

Reference to POLKA link removed.

Mental health Mental health – detention

Change to wording in relation to Section 136 of the Mental Health Act and hotel rooms.

Mental health Sources of help for those in need of mental and emotional support

Broken links removed from the bottom of Mental health>sources of support.

Mental health Mental health – detention

New paragraph added regarding temporary accommodation.

Mental health Suicide and bereavement response

Amended content under After a suicide attempt in line with Coroner rulings.

Mental health Introduction and strategic considerations

Update in relation to Police Mental Health Related Incident, plus new bullet under Key National Reports - HMICFRS Policing and Mental Health – Picking up the Pieces (2018).

Mental health Mental vulnerability and illness

Links to autism resources added.

Mental health Introduction and strategic considerations

Updated link to Autism guidance document.

Mental health AWOL patients

Replaced link to National Ambulance section 136 Protocol 2014.

Mental health Mental health – detention

Replaced link to National Ambulance section 136 Protocol 2014.

Mental health Mental health – detention

Updated links to PACE Codes.

Mental health Sources of help for those in need of mental and emotional support

Removed link to Console.

Mental health Mental health – detention

Detention module - change around safe place timescales.

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