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Latest changes – context and dynamics of domestic abuse

Date Category Guidance Changes
Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Context and dynamics of domestic abuse

Domestic abuse definitions

Deleted the cross-government definition and replaced with a statement about the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, including a link. 

Removed ‘but it not limited to’ prior to the bullets. Changed the bullets from psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional; to physical or sexual; violent or threatening; controlling or coercive; economic; psychological, emotional or other.

Stated Female Genital Mutilation in full. Fixed the link to this APP.

Added beneath ‘Detailed guidance relating specifically to forced marriage (FM) and honour based abuse (HBA) is set out in the APP on Forced marriage and honour based abuse.’ Included link.

Next sentence ‘…to be linked…’ deleted ‘to one of the above’ and replaced with ‘to FGM, HBA and/or FM,’

The paragraph starting ‘Officers and staff…’ above the ‘For further information sentence’ – added ‘As with all reports to the police, officers...’

Home Office reference updated to DA Statutory guidance 2022.

New section added titled Domestic Homicide Report. Three new paragraphs and a link to YouTube animation.

Controlling or coercive behaviour

Paragraph inserted second about unexpected death.

Description of controlling or coercive behaviour

The Home Office descriptions previously given have been deleted. A link to the Statutory Guidance has been inserted instead.

Further explanation of controlling or coercive behaviour

Under bullets, the paragraph starting ‘Further examples’ – links were replaced to more up to date content. 

The offence of controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship

Paragraph added at the end, after numbered list. This signposts to Home Office and CPS sources and deletes the previous ‘See…’ information.

Repeatedly or continuously

The last sentence was added ‘It is not...’

Personally connected when the behaviour took place

Added reference to the DA Act 2021 changing the bullets to reflect this definition.

A sentence added beneath about the Act removing previous requirements for people to be living together. Also adding a reference and link to the Family Law Act.

Deleted a sentence ‘The offence does not…’ as it is out of date and incorrect now.

Amended wording of last paragraph to be clearer and give a signpost (and link) to Child abuse APP. 

What statistics tells us

First bullet – added word ‘approximately’, changed the percentages to reflect a different ONS report (more recent), added the word ‘experienced’ for clarity and updated the link.

Deleted the last three bullets.

Paragraph starts ‘In all cases…’ – updated the link to CPS; deleted the text that starts ‘state that…’ and ends ‘or the complainant’ replacing it with a reference to DA Act s 3. Also replaced the CPS guidance and the link to a more recent, appropriate one for child suspects.

Paragraph starts ‘With regards’ – added statement ‘in line with the Family Law Act 1996’ and added the last four bullets of relationship types. Added a signpost and link for s 63 of Family Law Act.

Next para, ‘Officers and staff...’ – minor wording changes to the second sentence.

Serial perpetrator

Last sentence – link/signpost text changed.

Collection of data

DV disclosure scheme link corrected.

Offences associated with domestic abuse

Table. Possible offences, 2nd down – added text about strangulation and suffocation and reference/links to Serious Crime Act.

Examples of behaviour, Forced sexual activity – added text about gang initiation (left side).

Examples of behaviour, changed ‘Revenge Pornography’ to ‘Threats to send or sending intimate images or videos. Right side – added signpost and link to Sex Offences Act; updated CPS signpost and link; Added link/signpost to CoP 2024 Sharing photographs. Updated signpost from ‘Revenge P’ to ‘Threats to send…’ 

Why do victims continue abusive relationships?

Deleted this section due to duplication.

Added sub-heading Strategies to overcome barriers to reporting

Added the paragraph underneath.

Behavioural conditions that may affect a victim’s response to the police

Deleted reference to Stockholm syndrome. 

Reasons why a victim may continue an abusive relationship

Added a paragraph initially explaining this is common.

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Context and dynamics of domestic abuse

Updated link for Revenge Pornography Guidance.

Major investigation and public protection > Domestic abuse Context and dynamics of domestic abuse

Update/add reference to CoP (2020) Revenge Porn document.

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