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Latest changes – engagement and communication

Date Category Guidance Changes
Engagement and communication Communication

Updated references to Twitter, which is now known as X.

Also added references to other social media platfroms such as TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. 

Engagement and communication Media relations

Updated broken link to the IOPC and NPCC joint media protocol under 'Incidents investigated by the IOPC'.

Engagement and communication Media relations

Changed wording from unexplained to unexpected under ‘Arrests, charges and judicial outcomes’ under the heading ‘Deaths’

Engagement and communication Media relations

Broken links in Information during criminal proceedings updated:
- Judicial College (2016) Reporting Restrictions in the Criminal Courts
- Media relations protocol

Engagement and communication Media relations

NPCC body-worn video (BWV) advice note added and section added on naming suspects.

Engagement and communication Police under investigation

Link to IOPC naming policy added.

Engagement and communication Media relations

Additional content added to Naming on arrest.

Engagement and communication Media relations

Updated regarding suspects' right to privacy.

Engagement and communication Engagement and communication - Guidance overview

Removal of outdated linked reference material pages.

Engagement and communication Media relations

Naming of suspects - deceased persons.

Engagement and communication Communication

Deletion of obsolete material from Digital Social Media (case studies).

Engagement and communication Media relations

New addition to Engagement and Communications APP.

Engagement and communication Communication

Addition of a link to ACPO (2013) Guidelines on the Safe Use of the Internet and Social Media by Police Officers and Police Staff.

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