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Latest changes – detention and custody risk assessment

Date Category Guidance Changes
Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

The Police National Database (PND) section has been removed and replaced with the following paragraph:

Where no information is available, Custody Officers and/or Investigating officers should perform checks with other forces using the PND to check for any information that may influence the care plan for a detainee in custody at this time. This is particularly relevant for detainees who reside outside of that force area.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated the link to the guidance on managing acute behavioural disturbance.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated links and guidance 

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Under the sub-heading 'Procedures needed to manage potential risk' within content on infectious diseases, a link to FFLM Managing blood-borne virus exposures in custody was replaced (2018) with an updated version (2022). This will need updating in 2025 when the revised guidance will be published.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated link to Home Office (2007) Safety of solicitors and probationary representatives at police stations.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated link to the Management of DNR/DNAR/DNACPR decisions in police custody.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Added question to 'Checklist: assessing detainees' – 'Is this your first time in police custody?'

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Adding information on digital PER (dPER).

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Fixed broken links to document 'Suicide prevention and risk management for perpetrators of child sexual exploitation and indecent images of children (IIOC).'

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated content on Do not resuscitate orders

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Out of date documents and references replaced.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Content amended in section release from custody.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Removal of decommissioned document - Custody guidance - Terrorism Act. Replaced with link to APP Counter Terrorism.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Text added in relation to released under investigation.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Broken link to Terrorism Act Custody Guidance amended.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

New leaflet from FFLM on head injuries.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updates to DC in line with PACE changes introduced 21 August 2019.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Various changes relating to updated reference material, new links, and additional wording on release from custody - see APP PoLKA community for details.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Updated Acute Behavioural Disturbance reference material.

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Addition of link to Suicide prevention and risk management for perpetrators of child sexual exploitation and indecent images of children (IIOC) (Secure site only).

Detention and custody Detention and custody risk assessment

Addition of link to ebola guidelines.

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