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Latest changes – additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities

Date Category Guidance Changes
Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities

Diagram added the the bottom of the page as well as a link to the CBRN contaminated fatalities briefing guide. 

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities
  • Title of the page has changed from 'Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities' to 'Dealing with contaminated fatalities' 
  • CBRN incident section has been redrafted
  • The last bullet point has been changed from:

    'the needs of the bereaved families are taken into account in the disaster victim identification (DVI) process, without jeopardising the safety of the family or other responders involved in the process'


    'the needs of the bereaved families are taken into account in the disaster victim identification (DVI) process'

Civil emergencies > Disaster victim identification Additional arrangements for contaminated fatalities

Error in title addressed - Contaminated fatalities.

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