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Latest changes – business continuity

Date Category Guidance Changes
Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies Business continuity

Removed section titled 'sustainability' because NPCC guidance has now been published with the link to APP.

Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies Business continuity

Additional line added to paragraph just before bullet points: 'The National Police Chiefs' Council has produced new business continuity management guidance.'

Removed second bullet point: 'Business continuity management guidance (users are required to log in)'

Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies Business continuity

Under 'further information' added a link to Business continuity guidance on College Learn. 

Civil emergencies > Civil contingencies Business continuity

Extensive changes and restructure to bring practice in line with updated Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) guidance.

'Business continuity' content updated and moved to its own section from its previous section ('Planning'.)

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