Date | Category | Guidance | Changes |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Text amendment standardising the wording used by post incident managers in reminding officers not to confer. |
Armed policing | Attenuating energy projectiles | SACMILL statement link added |
Armed policing | Attenuating energy projectiles | further minor content changes made throughout to reflect moving from the AEP L60A2 to AEP A3 |
Armed policing | Weapons and equipment | Paragraph (below) removed from section titled 'Optical sights and observation equipment'. Dstl has produced a document that will help forces choose an appropriate sighting system: HOSDB (2001) Optical sights for use with Police Firearms 06/01. (Available to authorised members of the police service on request, see Dstl (opens an external website in the same tab).) |
Armed policing | Attenuating energy projectiles | Content changes made throughout to reflect moving from the AEP L60A2 to AEP A3 |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Changed paragraph to direct quote from Section 12 Police Reform Act: “A DSI matter means any circumstances (unless the circumstances are or have been the subject of a complaint or amount to a conduct matter) in or as a result of a person’s death or serious injury and:
or: at or before the time of the DSI, the person had direct or indirect contact with a person serving with the police who was acting in the execution of their duties, and there is an indication that the contact may have directly or indirectly caused or contributed to the DSI. This sub-category excludes contact that a person suffering the DSI had while acting in the execution of their duties as a person serving with the police” (see Police Reform Act 2002, s 12, as amended by the Policing and Crime Act 2017) |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Removed broken links to Use of Force Reporting Form Guidance and criteria for mandatory referral. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Changes made to the following subsections:
Armed policing | Armed deployment | Added link to Code of Ethics under 'Consider powers and policy'. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Interviews First sentence: "Police should be guided by the Code of Ethics and standards of professional behaviour" has been changed to "The police service should be guided by the Ethical policing principles and the Guidance for ethical and professional behaviour in policing." Added a link to the Code of Ethics page. Integrity First paragraph refers to Code of Ethics (2014) and code of practice citing principles and standards - deleted these. 2nd paragraph refers to The Code of Ethics and has an old link. Added new wording to reference 2023 Code of Ethics. Removed reference to the Police Staff Council Handbook as this reference has been removed completely from the Code of Ethics. Updated links to Code of Ethics and the Code of Practice. |
Armed policing | Armed deployment | Addition of content to existing sections on:
Armed policing | Command |
Armed policing | Discharge of firearms | Amendments to replace the term 'imminent' with 'real and immediate' – this change affects content under the existing sections, 'Critical shot' and 'Threat to life'. |
Armed policing | Legal framework | Change to existing section on 'Lawful orders' to replace the term 'order' with 'authorisation'. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Amendment to existing sections on:
Addition of new content about 'Body-worn video' beneath existing section on 'Record information'. |
Armed policing | Use of force, firearms and less lethal weapons |
Armed policing | Deployment of authorised firearms officers (AFOs) | Changes made to section 'Authority to deploy AFOs'. Change made to third sentence of the third paragraph – 'Where practicable, any subsequently authorised armed deployment should be subject to appropriate tactical advice.' 'Should' changed to 'must'. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Additional text to Stage 3 – personal initial accounts and Stage 4 – detailed accounts, statements and interviews, about formal documentation due to possible subsequent legal, conduct or coronial proceedings. |
Armed policing | Deployment of authorised firearms officers (AFOs) | Destruction of animals – wording change from should to must – 'Where time permits, a firearms tactical advisor must be contacted.' |
Armed policing | Issue and carriage of firearms | Amended content for 'Standing authority for the issue and carriage of firearms' and new section added below - Protection and Vulnerability Mitigation (PVM) arrangements. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Updated changes to Taser APP document. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Broken links to tables amended. |
Armed policing | Armed policing - Guidance overview | Fixed link to the decommissioned document list. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Updated CED leaflet links. |
Armed policing | Attenuating energy projectiles | Risk factors section - replaced (SACMILL) with (DOMILL) Effects section - added 'is after 'but it'. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Medical assessment section replaced (within aftercare section) CED information leaflets section replaced. |
Armed policing | Armed policing reference material | Amended location of a reference from MLE to Knowledge Hub. |
Armed policing | Armed deployment | Amend to section on de-escalation of conflict |
Armed policing | Weapons and equipment | Amends made to ballistic protection section. |
Armed policing | Armed deployment | Updated content |
Armed policing | Armed policing - Guidance overview | Updated content. |
Armed policing | Armed policing reference material | Updated content |
Armed policing | Armed policing strategic threat and risk assessment (APSTRA) | Updated content and changed title of module. |
Armed policing | Attenuating energy projectiles | Updated content. |
Armed policing | Command | Updated content. |
Armed policing | Deployment of authorised firearms officers (AFOs) | Updated content |
Armed policing | Discharge of firearms | Updated content |
Armed policing | Issue and carriage of firearms | Updated content. |
Armed policing | Legal framework | Updated content. |
Armed policing | National Police Firearms Training Curriculum (NPFTC) | Updated content. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Updated content. |
Armed policing | Use of force, firearms and less lethal weapons | Updated content |
Armed policing | Weapons and equipment | Updated content. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Reference documents added to support the latest T7 model. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Updated content to reflect latest model. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Post-deployment replaced with updated version. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Content for Use of force reporting amended. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Update IPCC to IOPC and amend link to IOPC guidance. |
Armed policing | Use of force, firearms and less lethal weapons | Replaced 2013 Home Office Code of Practice with new College 2020 Code of Practice on Armed Policing and Police use of Less Lethal Weapons. |
Armed policing | Weapons and equipment | Updated wording around percussion grenades. |
Armed policing | Use of force, firearms and less lethal weapons | Correct link added to pdf of ‘Home Office (2003) Code of Practice on the Police use of Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons. |
Armed policing | Use of force, firearms and less lethal weapons | Removed incorrect link to Home Office (2003) Code of Practice on the Police use of Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons. |
Armed policing | Discharge of firearms | Changes to include explanation around critical and conventional shots; terminology change – direction replaced by tasking. |
Armed policing | Use of force, firearms and less lethal weapons | Changes to include explanation around critical and conventional shots; terminology change – direction replaced by tasking. |
Armed policing | Weapons and equipment | Minor amendment wording around weapons and exhibits - formatting. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Updated information leaflets for use of Taser. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Various change to maintain currency in line with review. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Update to reflect new authorised model. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | New reference material added - information leaflets. |
Armed policing | Armed deployment | Update to information on Taser. |
Armed policing | Attenuating energy projectiles | Update to information on Taser. |
Armed policing | Conducted energy devices (Taser) | Update to information on Taser. |
Armed policing | Weapons and equipment | Update to information on Taser. |
Armed policing | Armed deployment | Addition of paragraph concerning sustained public protection, the balance of operational risk associated with surveillance operations and armed intervention. |
Armed policing | Command | Addition of paragraph concerning sustained public protection, the balance of operational risk associated with surveillance operations and armed intervention. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Who should conduct an organisational learning debrief: Addition of paragraph concerning sustained public protection, the balance of operational risk associated with surveillance operations and armed intervention. |
Armed policing | Post-deployment | Addition of information on operational debrief; clarification of information on separation. |
Armed policing | Armed policing - Guidance overview | Changes to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) reflected throughout this APP. |